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There's a ringing in my ears. Beyond the high pitched sound I can make out voices in the distance. I stick my forefingers in the small orifices and massage the canals. When I pull them away the ringing is gone and the sound is clear, so is my vision.

I find myself standing in a grand open room. In front of me, I count 13 white, cloaked individuals seated on a raised platform. Before them stands a woman with the longest golden hair I've ever seen. It's so long it hangs past her calves. To the left of her is what appears to be a muscular, white man dressed in blue armour seated on a throne. He reminds me of those statues the Greeks and Romans were so fond of crafting. Across from him to the right is a petite black woman dressed in black armour with accents of gold. Beside her is a giant panther.

What the hell?

Where am I?

"What can you tell us about the eldest son's disappearance?" asks the woman in black.

Despite her small stature, her voice is powerful and commanding.

"There was a revolt from the people who raided and burned down the castle. He was captured as a prisoner for the Romans," the blonde woman says in a soft but clear tone.

"Dou you remember who led this revolt?" asks the black female.

"Yes, a renowned man named Grimoald. He offered me and my children safety in exchange for the young boy," the blonde answers again.

"Can you describe what this Grimoald looked like?" the lady in black continues her questioning.

"He was big, a man of war that towered over most. Blonde hair, greyish blue eyes, sharp face. As bold as he was handsome."

There is a pregnant pause as the petite female shifts her gaze from the blonde to the giant of a man seated on the throne across from her. Even the blonde lady turns to face him and I catch her side profile. She's beautiful and naked and unashamed.

This is so weird. Why is she naked and unbothered by it all? I look around to see if anyone else is as scandalised as I am. However, there aren't any other spectators besides me.

"I rest my case. Le Mers is welcome to the witness," says the commanding female pulling my attention back to what is happening in front of me.

Witness? Is this a court case? Now that I think about it, it kind of reminds be of the constitutional court where multiple judges preside over a case.

"Le Mers, would you like to cross examine the witness?" asks one of the cloaked individuals.

"No," says the godlike man.

His voice is loud and clear yet it doesn't hold the confidence of his opposition. His gaze is fixed on the blonde and she stares back unwaveringly.

"What do you want in restitution Queen of the Coast?" asks another of the cloaked individuals.

"I want him detained. I want him to sit out the life cycle of this new king he has birthed as his punishment." says the dark skinned queen.

She looks rather young, around my age, to be a queen. She is beautiful though and commands authority with every word. The man on the throne suddenly stands up.

"Surely we can come to some other agreement," he counters.

"There is nothing you can offer me that I could possibly want other than your suffering. I possess more resources, more land, and more people than you rule over even with your unending quest to steal and pillage Le Mers," she spits back.

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