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I'll email you?

This girl couldn't be serious.

I drove the jeep back to the Eagle Row dorms trying to determine whether that date was a bust or not. The sports season was over for the Matrics with exams starting in a little under 6 weeks. At least the gym was still open.

I changed clothes and went to the weights section. The guys were playing "smash or pass" - a frat fave. All you had to do was pick which girl you would smash or pass based on the options provided.

"Smash Lisa, pass Palesa, and marry Soleil."

Whoah! I forgot that some guys, the serious ones, threw marriage into the mix.

My heart just stuttered and I nearly dropped the weight I was benching on my neck. 

That was Mark. 

What the fuck? He wanted Soleil?!

"Ouch, you'd pass on Palesa and marry Soleil? Soleil's cute but Palesa's thick! She got an ass that could swallow up a g-string," Tshepo sang.

"Exactly why I'd pass on Palesa. I don't need guys like you being dogs all over my girl. Then I gotta sweat her what she's wearing in this political climate? Hard pass," Mark replied.

What? Did they not think Soleil had a nice body? She felt nice from what I'd experienced thus far. She was pretty as a doll. I couldn't stop staring at her today. But, she wasn't a hot broad – the kind that made the hot blood in a man rush to his dick. She shied away from my touch. It was actually cute thinking back on it, but back to the reason of my ire. Why the fuck did Mark want to marry her? What the hell was up with that?

"You okay there Brice?" Keenan asks.

"Yeah why?" I keep pushing with the presses.

"You're going pretty hard over there buddy."

"Yeah, because if I don't I'm going to fuck someone up." 

I stop to catch my breath and glare at Mark. Their conversation has me riled up and I can't even explain why. I've only spent one morning with her anyway throughout this entire year.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Mark questions me. 

I don't have any real beef with him but he's now on my radar because she's on his. 


I choose to ignore him and set the weight to rest. I head to the treadmill before I lose it and throw a fist. I'm so jealous right now it doesn't even make any sense to me. I'm being irrational but I don't give a shit. 

Did she give Mark her number? Do they talk? Are they flirting? Is something going on between the two of them? 

I run till the machine times out after 30 minutes, but I'm still worked up. I hit the shower before going back to res.

I want her. I cant stop thinking about her.  I'll do what it takes to get her and see where this goes. 

I email her my schedule with the intention to see her tomorrow. I have to see her tomorrow. At least I should get my money's worth. We're set on the days and times we'll link up over the coming weeks. When I ask her for her number, she doesn't reply.

I wake up with morning wood and Soleil on my mind. La belle fille dans mon esprit. The beautiful girl on my mind.

My laptop is still open. I fell asleep waiting on her to send me her number. I wanted to call her and hear her voice before I fell asleep. She left me on read. I know she read my message and didn't reply based on the first couple of emails and her response rate then. I'm so frustrated I knock the mac off my bed. 

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