30 - Matric Dance P2

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I head back in the direction of the hall meeting Mark halfway. He looks worried and it makes me feel kinda guilty. If he'd taken a minute longer I would've been caught in a liplock. The tension was thick and I think Brice was about to kiss me. Lord knows I would have let him. He had me weak in the knees and I was holding on for dear life. 

Girl you were swooning like a silly character, my snarky subconscious mocks me.

I shake the embarrassing thought away.

I'm going to have to explain myself. Mark and his parents were gracious enough not to pry too much when they asked after my parents back at Gogo's house.

Aunt Michelle told them they were victims of gun violence when our loft got broken into and robbed. That however doesn't excuse why I was in the arms of another guy. 

Mark has got to have the worst timing because he keeps catching me in comprising positions with Brice. I shake off the embarrassment that resurges at the memory us making out on his bed at the Halloween party and take a deep breath. 

"I'm sorry I ran out like that. I just needed to be alone for a minute," I say once I'm standing in front of him.

He takes a beat to regard me and then asks, "Is this about your parents?" 

I nod. 

"Can we not talk about this right now?"

He takes a hold of my hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze. 

"Do you want to chill out here for a bit or are you ready to go back in?"

"We can go back," I answer leading the way.

Just when I think I've dodged an unnecessary bullet, he asks, "And what did he want?

I guess he shall not be named for more reasons than I care to count.

I shrug my shoulders and nonchalantly say, "He also knows." Not wanting to make a big deal out of this.

"Why would you tell him but not me?" Mark asks looking hurt.

I didn't exactly tell him. He invaded my mind and found out.

An unpleasant shiver runs through me when I think back on the force Brice exerted over me that night and how I felt out of it for a while thereafter.

He's not just the resident badboy, he's dangerous with more power than most can comprehend. Even I sometimes don't want to dwell too much on who or rather what he is.

"He kinda forced it out of me," I utter in exasperation. 

"Figures," Mark comments with a derisive snort.

Thankfully, the topic is dropped once we re-enter the hall as the principal announces the Prefects Dance that will open the floor for the rest of the matrics. 

Mark takes the lead and we stand in position ready for the music to begin our Waltz. Everything is going smoothly until I feel my eyes drawn in a particular direction.

I catch Brice staring at me. He gives me a quick wink and I step on Mark's feet. 

"Shit, I'm sorry," I apologise. 

"Don't worry, just focus on me."

And I do until the music comes to an end and we say goodnight to our respective families. I have every intention of staying away from him for rest of the night, for the sake of my date and dignity.

I don't like being stuck between the two but it seems like fate has a sick sense of humour because that's exactly where I find myself seated when we enter the dining hall and take our places at the various tables. To my left is Brice and on my right is Mark .

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