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I'm on my way over to Hawk House after receiving a text from Hailey. She apparently wants to "study" but I doubt that's all she wants. Our study sessions always revolve around anatomy even if Biology isn't the topic at hand.

Hailey is hot. That's undeniable. It's the consensus among the matric gents that she's a 10. From her long blonde hair I'm able to wrap around my wrist to those long legs that wrap around my waist. She's a top notch lay.

I'm not too shy to admit that our relationship is 100% physical because beyond that Hailey is a handful. To call her an entitled princess would be putting it mildly but she's not stupid either. Milton House has a reputation to uphold and our class average sits pretty at 65%.

Between swim practice, water polo, field polo, and athletics to keep me grounded - literally, im sitting at an average of 66%.

Between Hailey's beauty regime and social diary she's managed to snag a 75% which is how she's managed to convince me to be her study partner.

If I'm being honest, I need to be spending less time with Hailey not more of it. I need to cut her off. She's attached to me and not in a good way. She clings like toilet paper at the bottom of your shoe. It's embarrassing because everyone knows where you've been. Similar to how everyone knows I've hit it.

And I keep hitting it.

Every time I try break up with her - which is weird because I never asked her to be my girlfriend - she looks at me with those big blue eyes of hers and I relent. She drops to her knees to bridge the gap and I cave.

It's a vicious cycle.

I wasn't her first but everyone knows I'm the only one she gives it up to. I'm so close to the finish line I think I can grin and bear it for a couple more months.

As I approach the doors of the Hawk dorms I hear a groan that distracts me from my conflicted thoughts. I slow down to get a look at the bird on the bench. Ironic we call girls birds when the school has decided to name all dorm houses after them, including the boys.

A mass of dark wavy hair fans out over her shoulders blending into the schools black blazer. The crown forms a halo over an oval brown face. Her eyebrows are perfectly arched and her dark skin is blemish free. Her full lips are slightly parted and I cant help but rank her a solid 8.

Looking at the way she's massaging her temples I'm guessing she has a headache. A breeze whispers through the quad and flirts with her hair. She moans. It's not loud or vulgar but still a moan of pleasure all the same. My dick twitches. Make that a 9.

She's definitely a 9.

I've seen her around before - Soleil. But with Hailey's nutty ass I don't even bother with high school chics anymore especially the ones at this school. There are only 50 people in the grade and we all board together. I've learnt my lesson. You don't shit where you eat and sleep.

"Hey," I greet despite my reservations.

"Hi," she replies.

Her tone is clipped and her eyes are still shut.

"Are you okay?" I press on, trying to get her attention, wanting her eyes on me.

"As well as can be expected," she replies again without opening her eyes.

Shit. She may be one of the few girls who are actually impervious to my charm.

"Maybe you should adjust your expectations."

I'm being cocky and should probably take my own advise. Not that I expected much but damn can I get some eye contact, a bit of recognition.

I can tell by the little huff she gives when she drops her arms that she's annoyed. Her eyes snap open and she opens her mouth to say something but then changes course. The initial fire in her eyes dies down before she smoothly says, "I don't think im expecting much from an asprin other than for it to do its job."

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