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I hear the possessiveness in his voice and can see it in his eyes.

If I had any doubts about Brice wiping that video from existence they're gone now. He pulls off his shirt revealing a toned torso of pecs and abs. He picks me up and tosses me on the bed. I bounce on the mattress a little before settling into its softness. I scoot back to the headboard and admire his body as he does mine.

He unbuckles his belt and pulls down the zipper on his pants. He pushes the slacks off his hips. They fall down his muscular legs revealing the swollen bulge in his black boxers as he steps out of them. I already got an up-close look at what he's working with earlier but nothing compares to the full picture he presents at this angle when he takes them off and stands in his naked glory. Compared to the statue of David he hangs like a beast that is slowly rising to the occasion.

My heartbeat doubles.

My mouth goes dry.

"Do you like what you see?"

I swallow.

I'm speechless.

I just nod my head.

"Take off your panties."

I move quickly to do what he says and remember I still have my shoes on.

As I reach for the straps he says, "Leave those on. Just the panties."

I slide my fingers under the waistband and tug the lace material down my legs, slipping them off my heeled feet. Brice holds his hand out to me. I know what he wants so I give them to him.

"Lie back and spread your legs, baby. I want to see that pretty little pussy."

I lean back and hesitantly open my legs. I'm wet. I feel it and can only imagine what I look like from his point of view. He inhales my underwear as he looks at me, his glimmering grey gaze focused on the treasure between my thighs.

"Spread your lips. I want to see it. All of it."

His words send heat rushing to my face and through my core. I must be more of a slut than I initially thought because I swear I get even wetter and do exactly what he says.

"Play with yourself."

"What do you want me to do?" I ask, not sure of what he likes or wants to see.

"Have you never played with yourself?"

I'm briefly distracted as I watch him stroke his length that's grown to full mast. I've flicked the bean once or twice maybe more. Images of him would come to mind and I'd quickly stop feeling embarrassed fantasizing about someone that didn't even know I existed at the time. Celebrities are one thing; high school crushes are another. They're too real.

"Show me what you like," he says pulling me back into the moment.

I run two fingers up and down my slit coating it in its juices then dip my middle finger into the core – once, twice, three times, then pull out and circle my clit. I really liked it when he licked and sucked on the little nub. I close my eyes and imagine that my finger is his tongue. My nipples tighten in pleasure.

I feel the bed dip and a breeze hits my moist center. When I open my eyes, his face is between my legs watching intently. He pulls my hand away, licks my fingers clean, and replaces them with his mouth. I gasp when his lips close around the bundle of nerves suctioning it. His tongue flicks rapidly under the hood doing a better job than my pathetic attempt to mimic him and I'm pretty sure my eyes roll back.

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