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I've always tried to put myself in the other person's shoes and imagine how they would feel in difficult situations - a little thing called empathy. I know Mark likes me and clearly Hailey's still hung up on Brice which is why I had been avoiding him during the dance. I didn't want to get caught in a compromising position again and make our dates look like fools but I guess I'm the clown in all of this.

Brice couldn't care less and I was his damned puppet.

He was making out with a completely different chic with his date only a few feet away. When I decide to give in to the heat and hook up with Mark he comes out of nowhere and knocks him out.

Who the hell does he think he is? 

I swear, he doesn't have an empathetic bone in his body. Brice is selfish and I'm going to take a page out of his book and become selfish too. I'm claiming Mark as my boyfriend. It's been decided. 

Even though it's cooler out here, I'm still feeling kind of horny. Things with Mark were getting hot and heavy. My head's a little fuzzy but I'm not drunk. I teeter a little. Okay, maybe just a little.

I need to get back inside. No, I need to get back to the hotel. I may be playing nurse to Mark's broken nose - a sexy nurse. 

Focus Soleil!

"Does he know we've been sharing a bed for weeks?" Brice counters.

Of course not. We'd have gotten in trouble if the school caught us. 

I'm sure he knows that but he doesn't care, and I don't think it meant anything to him if he's already moved on with some other bimbo. The way they were going at it looked like they had plans for tonight so I should probably make my own.

"Doesn't matter. Tonight, I'll be in his."

The look he levels at me lets me know he's triggered. Good. 

"Do you like playing games with me?"

"I don't have time to play with you. I need to go check on my boyfriend," I reply nonchalantly. 

"He's not your boyfriend!" Brice explodes.

Wow! Someone's pissed. 

What I can't figure out is whether he's jealous because he likes me or because he can't stand seeing me with someone else. I dig my heels a little deeper in an attempt to find out.

"Yes, he is. He's good to me compliments me all the time, asked me out tonight and introduced me to his parents. That sounds like a boyfriend."

Even though Brice looks at me with a heated gaze he doesn't complement me. The only time he's taken me out was to Maverick's Manor where he asked me to tutor him. Otherwise, he usually just kidnaps me and coerces me into some bullshit. He's not affectionate or considerate. He's mean and touchy. 

Pathetic boyfriend material, my subconscious adds her two cents.

"That sounds like a simp trying to get in your pants," he argues.

Argh! I've concluded he doesn't actually like me. He probably just wants to make me another notch on his belt and can't stand the idea of me with someone else. 

Not even. He said he wouldn't fuck you, even if you begged, echoes my subconscious coming through with the files.

The memory pisses me off. 

"Well he doesn't have to try anymore. He's getting in tonight."

"You're playing a dangerous game with me Soleil."

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