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I'm standing outside the magician's tent eavesdropping on his conversation. He's speaking to someone in hushed tones. I peer through the curtain and see he's with a woman.

Her thick dark hair hangs down her back. She's dressed like a belly dancer in red with harem pants and a cropped top exposing her stomach and blue skin.

Suddenly she disappears and, in her place, there stands Emperor Zurg from Buzz Lightyear.

The scene around us shifts and Zurg is now standing next to Spiderman. The captain does this weird dance and transforms into Spiderman.

There are two of them. The original and the one that once looked like Zurg.

I'm so confused I rub my eyes to clear my vision because evidently, I'm seeing things.

The scene changes again. I'm now walking down the sidewalk of Creole Square and see Brice. I smile in greeting determined not to come across as a bumbling idiot.

As he gets closer, we lock eyes. He smiles back. When he's a few feet away, Spiderman comes crawling along the wall behind him. However, this doesn't look like the friendly neighbourhood Spidey. In fact, it looks like he's after Brice.

I speed up wanting to reach him first.

I need to warn him.

"Hey!" I'm shouting and flailing my arms wildly about.

Before Brice can turn around Spiderman has him surrounded and trapped in a box. Weird but better than being trapped in a spider's web.

I'm banging on the box, screaming in Panic.


"Soleil!" He answers back. He sounds so far away.

Suddenly, I find myself having an outer body experience as I watch myself banging on the box, trying to reach Brice on the sidewalk of Creole square.

The town is quaint with clean streets and large potted bushes dotted with pink flowers. It all appears so vividly as I find myself lucid in this dream I remember having before.

I'm floating further back until I'm blanketed in darkness and sitting in a theater as I watch myself on stage.

I look around me and see no one.

I'm alone.

That is until the largest snake I've ever seen in my life moves through the wide aisles and approaches the stage. It's a smoky black, 10 feet tall, and double that in width.

I lean back glad to be sitting in the balcony seats as I watch the basilisk make its way to the front. The giant serpent wraps around the stage before stopping before the other me banging on the box.

When it opens its mouth, I think it's going to swallow us whole.

Instead, a smaller snake with a pattern of flowers emerges from the pink bush on the sidewalk and starts hissing.

The behemoth hisses back.

Are they communicating?


I slowly blink my eyes awake as I adjust to the light filtering into my room. I sit up and stretch feeling rejuvenated and shake off the bad dream. I instinctively reach for my phone but come up empty.

I get up and look around my room as I stretch my back.

Something is amiss.

I'm not a messy person but this scene doesn't look right. I could have sworn I left my room in disarray. I head to my PC but catch myself in the full body mirror outside my bathroom door.

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