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There will never be another like him. He's it for me. I love him.

Soleil's thoughts continue to play on loop in my mind.

She loves me.

Shit. I was speechless.

I think I love her too. I mean, I've never felt anything like this before. The intensity of my emotions when it comes to her overwhelms me at times.

Her words made me harder. I'd cum in her, thinking I was done only for those three little words to set me off again. I fucked her till she passed out. I thought I would too, but I was restless with newfound energy.

After bathing her and tucking her into bed, I walk out of the pool house and try to clear my thoughts. The sun is setting. I can only imagine how long we've been at it. I spot her yellow bikini lying on the ground and pick it up. I look at the little triangle pieces held together by a string and shake my head. She will never wear this again.

I would have lost my shit if I didn't trust the guys she was with. Louis, Baptiste, Oliver, and Didier are trusted family friends with blood ties that span generations. Hidde is like a brother. As for Remy, I should have knocked him out with the way he kept going on about touching my girl. Thankfully, the saner head prevailed. I know what he meant but the idea still put me off.

I inhale the bottoms and contemplate keeping them like I did her satin pajamas and the panties she wore the night she promised herself to me. Her scent is magnificent. Floral notes cover the unique fragrance she carries, a scent I have become very well acquainted with over the past few days.

I go back inside headed for my closet and find myself looking through her clothes. I come across the black dress she wore to the MD afterparty and put it aside. I find a few more items that are likely to start a row between us. For the most part, her taste is decent and there aren't that many clothes that end up in my pile. It's just that she's now a taken woman. No guy should ever see what I see or get any ideas that would have them lusting over my girl.

I gather the clothing and head out for a second time. I could donate them, but I don't want anyone else wearing Soleil's clothes. I know I'm being irrational and don't give a fuck to correct it. If I was charitable, I would donate money not this mess of material that raises my blood pressure unnecessarily.

I wonder if my being overprotective and possessive has anything to do with the blood magic and virgins I was warned about. I have no experience in this arena and Thierry is still MIA. Cod hasn't been of much help in this regard, so I'm shit out of luck and on my own on this one.

Maybe there's a book on blood magic at the chateaux library. Both my maman and father's side of the family have dabbled in the occult searching out long-forgotten or hidden knowledge. I never had to be much of a reader like grand-pere, Divin, or my father because I was born gifted with the kind of power men sought after.

I enter the main house and head to the basement my father uses as a prison-lab. I can't believe I put Soleil here. I dump the clothes and lock the door behind me. I don't want to be disturbed even though no one should look for me here. I sit on the hard ground, close my eyes, and focus on my body. I feel the pull as my soul separates from the flesh.

When I open my eyes, I'm looking down at myself still seated on the ground. By astral projecting, I can travel to Normandy without the exhaustion or time constraints such a journey would take physically even if I used a portal. I would also avoid any questions that may arise from those not expecting me - especially those who are paid to report any happenings in my family's absence.

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