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I call Soleil only for her to tell me she's still out shopping.

Knowing myself, I figure we were either going to fuck or fight about her outfit – probably both. Despite not wanting to, I leave with the boys for the yacht and give my girl some space. 

I wouldn't mind spending the rest of my holiday exclusively with her in bed, but I also want her to enjoy herself. I'm glad she's getting along with everyone for the most part.

We take Hidde's car to the dock and get on board one of the largest boats there. We crack some cold beers and toast to the end of an era and a stressful year. 

Of course, the guys give me shit about last night calling me jealous and possessive. I don't care what they think. They're all single losers except for Didier.

"Where's Baptiste?" asks Olivier

"He met a girl last night and they went out for breakfast this morning so I guess things are going pretty well," answers his cousin Louis.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

Baptiste walks up the pier with none other than Ariel in tow. Fuck my life. I seriously hope this is not the girl Louis was talking about. However, I know she is.

He introduces her to everyone and when they get to me the sarcasm is dripping as I say, "Ariel, what a surprise seeing you here."

"You two know each other?" asks Baptiste.

"We go back way back," answers Ariel, not taking her eyes off me.

I grab her wrist and pull her inside.

"What are you doing here?" I question.

"Exploring my options," she answers flirtatiously.

"Can you explore elsewhere or are you hell bent on stalking me?"

She throws her head back and laughs. She's beautiful and cunning and it sends a chill through my nerves.

"No can do. I'm still waiting on you tell me what you've decided."

The decision has been weighing heavily on my mind. Despite being mandated to celibacy, I'd gotten caught up with Soleil. Sex with her hadn't weakened me. However, I would be an idiot to start sleeping around especially with a being like Ariel. 

Then again, she wasn't asking me for sex. She just needed my seed. I could give it to her without giving in to her. How many times had I jerked off for the sake of it?

"How can I trust you – to give me the information I'm looking for and for it to be true?"

"What have I done to break your trust?" Ariel counters. She was right in that regard. "For your benefit, I will reveal that Thierry is on trial for keeping you away from Soleil which is why I know about her and that you've consummated your relationship. Together, you're a powerful force, but far out of his control."

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

She has my interest peaked, now more than ever.

"I've already told you more than I should. Do you agree to the deal, My Lord?"

I run my fingers through my hair in frustration. Fuck. She has me by the balls especially when it comes to Soleil.

"How do you know all this?" I ask.

"The person who told me is the same one that took Daddy Dearest to court and the same person that gave me a skin on loan. So..."

I sigh in frustration. This was some high-level shit. The kind I tended to avoid in search of easier pleasures like fucking and fighting. The curiosity gnaws at me. I can't believe I'm even considering this, but then again, I've done the most for less.

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