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I stare at my room which is in quite the state. My cupboards and drawers are thrown open and all my clothes are in a heap on the bed.

To others it may look chaotic, but there's method to my madness.

Judging the mound in comparison to the boxes and my suitcases, I'm going to have to give some of my things away. It so happens that every term I end up with more stuff than I initially came with. I remember my mother, Nandi, telling me that I need to give in order to receive otherwise where would I put all the new stuff if my life was cluttered with the old.

I'm almost done folding and packing when I hear a knock on the door.

"May I come in?"

I recognise the deep baritone of his voice, no need for me to turn around. I'm just surprised that Brice is using the front door instead of appearing out of thin air like he normally does.

Then again it is broad daylight and I have successfully not seen him since we wrote Paper 2.

"Who am I to stop you?" I answer nonchalantly.

"Do you need any help?"

"Nope. I'm almost done."

"What about your work station?"

I knew I was forgetting something.

"The PC needs to go in that box. I'm having that and my chair couriered down tomorrow."

Without me having to ask, Brice unplugs the cables and effortlessly lifts the wide screen monitor packing it and the tower box away. Wow he's strong. I was gonna leave that up to the couriers to sort out.

"Anything else you need help with?"

"Nope. All good." I finish zipping up my bags. "What's left is going in the giveaway box."

I feel myself lifted off the ground when Brice picks me up. I try struggle out of his hold but my attempts are futile.

"You've been avoiding me," he starts, placing me on his lap.

"I was trying to keep things professional."

He laughs quietly, the vibration of his chest sending shivers down my back.

"I'm going to miss this."

Damnit. I'm kinda going to miss seeing him too. I refuse to admit that considering what he said.

I exhale loudly. "I think you're just going to miss playing these games and toying with me."

"Is that what you think?"

I raise a brow in question daring him to prove me otherwise.

When he leans in for a kiss, I pull back knowing he's a tease. I'm not that silly girl that once pined over him.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm just not that into you."

"Meaning?" he grinds out.

"They're six words Brice. You never needed help in English."

"What's with the cold shoulder treatment?"

"We both know what this is and what it's not. Let's not pretend otherwise."

We look into each other's eyes - grey to brown - with neither of us willing to back down. Can he read my mind?

Jou ma se poes, I think but he doesn't blink.

You smell like salt water and shit, I try again.

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