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I'm on the balcony in the master bedroom watching A Nightmare On Elm Street projected onto the big screen. Most of the audience is in the water lazying on a floatie. 

I tip the bottle of Dom I'd raided from my mom's private fridge. It's the only thing she drinks. If I wanted to get fucked up, I would have gone for the Henny. But Hailey's thrown this party that has a larger turnout than expected, and I have to be the responsible one between the two of us.

Last time she threw a party there were so many broken and irreplaceable items around the house mother went on about it for the better part of a year. I have security on patrol and to prevent people from wandering upstairs to the sleeping quarters.

At 1 AM I want this place cleared out. I am in no mood to greet random strangers the morning after, especially ones I did not invite. 

I see a group of people making their way to the drinks table near the pool area and my eyes zero in on the girl with the patterned skirt and matching, form-fitting top. 

My stomach tightens in recognition of Soleil and her hand nestled in Mark's.

I'm grinding my teeth so hard that it's only by tipping the bottle back to take a lengthy drink that I get some kind of relief. I would ask why she's here but at this point its pretty self-explanatory. 

I look down at my brown robe then at Mark in his Letterman jacket and jeans. He looks cool. 

She looks cute on his arm and they're happily chatting away in a group like this is some great party - a scene straight out of a teen movie. I feel out of place despite being in my own home. I'm at the event but haven't been present, not until now as my feet carry me to her. 

Thierry is an idiot. He told me to ignore her.

I had hoped she would miss me.

Text me.

Call me.

Confess her feelings for me.


...just not running over to Mark.

Forget the fact that Hailey was one of the reasons I had sequestered myself upstairs. She was DTF and I was out of patience. I may snap at her or give in and fuck her, I was so on edge. 

The temptation becomes a fleeting thought as my eyes feast on Soleil. 

She usually keeps her hair tied up. Tonight it falls down her back teasing the exposed skin of her top. This is the first time I've seen her with her hair down. 

She's stunning.

It's Hailey who breaks me out of the spell as she welcomes Soleil and Charlondra

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It's Hailey who breaks me out of the spell as she welcomes Soleil and Charlondra. My eyes rake over the former. 

"Yes, what an unexpected surprise," I think out loud. 

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