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I never knew
I never knew that everything was falling through
That everyone I knew was waiting on a cue
To turn and run when all I needed was the truth

 The Fray - Over My Head (Cable Car)


Oh. my. god. What is happening?

His hands are everywhere - touching, teasing, squeezing, and leaving goosebumps in their trail.

His fingers glide along the inside of my thighs before one slips in.

I'm hot. So hot. Yet I want more like a moth drawn to the flame.

He dominates the kiss with consuming strokes leaving me breathless. It feels like I'm going to pass out as he steals every breath from my body. I may be slipping into a blissful oblivion when he reaches deep inside me shocking me back to reality. 

I gasp, managing to steal a breath.

Oh. my. god. What was that?

The feeling was foreign, not quite painful but odd. Before I can process that his mouth is around my nipple. 

My heart beats erratically from over stimulation. My fragmented thoughts a tell-tale my brain is on the verge of short circuiting. Brice will be the death of me.

I run my hands through his freshly cropped hair looking for purchase and attempt to squeeze my thighs shut as I writhe beneath him.

I don't know what it is that I want but my body craves it like a hunger. I toss my head back and let the waves of pleasure wash over me. I feel Brice's gaze on me and when I look up, we lock eyes. He moves lower down my body. His grey irises calming the once thunderous thudding in my chest. I lay back allowing him control. For a moment, only the desperate song of our staccato breaths fill the room. 

That moment disappears faster than I want to when it's intruded upon by Hailey calling me a bitch.

Oh. my. god. Mark. How could I forget about Mark?

I'm mortified and scramble to pop a titty back in my bra and adjust my top. I'm so embarrassed. How could I do this to him after he invited me over and asked me to be his date for MD? 

I move to get out of bed when Brice reaches for me. I dodge him.I cannot do this with him right now. Its like common sense flies out the window when we're alone and I can only imagine what this looks like. There are two other people who we've upset that we need to deal with. 

"I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I-I'm... Mark."

I approach him like I'm approaching a wounded animal, prepared for attack. Hailey's already started with the names and I don't blame her. His gaze moves between me and the scene unfolding behind me.

I don't have the guts to look. 

My energy is reserved for the guy standing in front of me who's been nothing but sweet and kind while I've been playing tongue wars with his friend. Damn. I am a bitch!

In heat – my subconscious snides.

"Aren't you going to say anything?!" Hailey's shrill scream is near hysterical.

I close my eyes jarred by her voice and take a deep breath. 

"Mark, can we go outside and talk?"

He hasn't said a thing. His gaze simply volleying between mine and Brice. I'm worried. What is he thinking? Does he hate me? He's probably disgusted that's for sure. Definitely disappointed.

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