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It took a while but eventually Soleil calmed down. She hasn't spoken to me since we left the cabin though and that was a couple of hours ago. The tension between us is so thick that no one dares to bother us.

I don't know whether they overheard our fight and I don't care. What I do know is that she can't stand to look at me and doesn't want to be here.

What am I even doing here? Fuck me for getting on this damn boat. Now I'm stuck with this pathetic piece of shit. Fuck my life.

A variation of those thoughts has been running through her mind since we left the bedroom downstairs. 

I would gladly take us home but I'm afraid she'd use the opportunity to pack up and leave. I'm grateful that while we were down, the yacht left the pier so she's stuck with me until we get back to land. Even though she knows nothing happened she's still pissed off with me.

Have you lost your damn mind? We gotta go. 

Then again, the Good Lord tells us to forgive. 

Wait a minute. Had this been on an episode of Cheaters or Jola 99 you would have left with the crew after he humiliated you on national TV. 

But then again, nothing technically happened. 

What is this, bitch? Get a grip!

I can hear her questioning her sanity. There seems to be two voices warring in her head as she deliberates on whether to forgive me or not. I hate this – how I can peer into her mind yet not have the power to change it. I wish I could allay her fears.

She won't eat or drink anything and won't talk to anyone. She's poor company and it's my fault. To make matters worse Baptiste is pissed off with me too. I don't have the energy to square things out with him because my focus is on the woman who's side I'm glued to despite the fact that she's thinking of throwing me overboard this very minute.

Dumb-ass, ghost-eyed, pink dick piece of shit. I would throw him overboard but unfortunately, he can swim.

I look over at Soleil who's laid out on the day bed with the overly large hat covering her face and shoulders probably concealing the contempt she holds for me. 

She looks incredible in the green swimsuit with her brown skin glistening under the afternoon sun. The fact that she thinks anybody could compare to her, let alone Ariel, is laughable. 

Soleil is in a league of her own.

I want to devour her. 

However, I hold myself back because I don't think I could handle it if she tells me not to touch her again. I'm already on edge when her thoughts rear towards hooking up with another guy just to get back at me.

Maybe he needs to find me alone in a room with another guy to understand how I feel. At least I got to kiss Mark. Since I'm no longer a virgin, I should sleep with him to get even... That's if he's keen on a hook up. Brice'd never know unless I told him or he caught me.

I look over at the group across the deck hoping to tune her out. 

They're livelier than we are laid out here in silence. The girls are chatting and tanning as they're served another round of cocktails while the guys are about to get on the water as the crew sets up the jet-skis. 

As fun as it looks, I refuse to leave Soleil's side in case she decides to do something stupid like jump overboard and attempt to swim back to shore.

It looks like Ariel is gone – for now. I don't know when she left. I haven't seen her since Soliel caught us together and I wasn't about to ask about her.

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