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It was the weekend and Chalondra had planned a night at the fare in Milton village which was a small town started by the Milton family 200 years ago even before the school was built.

We were mostly indoorsey people but a day out at the carnival eating junk, going on rides, and playing games could charm most people out of their home.

We wanted to treat ourselves since the academic year was practically over and exam season loomed ahead of us.

I looked around trying to see what we should do next, eat or go on another ride?

Quickly scanning the grounds, my gaze lands on the spinning teacups and I catch a glimpse of him - Brice Le Roux. His straight, white smile reveals deep dimples and his dark hair stands out starkly against his sunkissed skin. He's smiling at Hailey. They look perfect together.

"Soleil? Hey Soleil?"


"I said I'm hungry but if we eat now we may have to wait a while before we do anything too hectic. What were you looking at anyway?"

Char's eyes scan the rides before they meticulously land on the object of my distraction.

"You're like a magnet when it comes to him," she chides. "If I hadn't made the suggestion to come here myself I would think you planned this. Maybe there is something to that law of attraction mumbo jumbo." She mutters the last part but I hear it anyway.

Argh! I hate that I notice him in public when dude isn't even checking for me.

I hate that he consumes my thoughts.

I hate that I pine for him and I hate the funny feeling I have in my stomach as my belly flops with envy. Or is it the hunger kicking in?

I shut down the Brice fantasy of sitting beside him in that spinning teacup before it can really take over my mind.

"Let's grab some food, then we can play some of these games before getting back on the rides," I suggest not even bothering to address her comments regarding he-who-shall-not-be-acknowledged.

Char marches ahead to a burger stand where we place our orders with waters to wash it down instead of fizzy drinks, lest we push our stomachs to retch on one of the faster rides later on.

We play whack a mole and aim at pin-bottles collecting a prize each. We prefer playing online and tv games instead of socialising with real people in our downtime but this is fun.

We walk through a tent of mirrors. Some make us look tall, others fat, and with strategic placing we're staring at ourselves trapped in between an infinite reality of our own reflections.

When we get out on the other side we're greated by tall man dressed in a black turban and robes. The robe looks heavy and regal with its woven, intricate design catching the light giving a hint of sparkle.

He bows with his hand outstretched beckoning for us to enter

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He bows with his hand outstretched beckoning for us to enter.

"Your wish is my command."

I look to Char who shrugs before stepping forward. The tent is very Arabian Nights. I don't know whether it's the lighting in here or out there, but everything is dark when we enter and only after taking a few steps in do we see the flicker of a candle.

As we approach the figure seated on the ground among cushions, the candle burns brighter and a few more light up.

"Impressive," Char whispers conspiratorially.

As I said, my friend doesn't take social ques very well and while this might be impressive to her because she doesn't believe in "mumbo jumbo" to me its kinda freaky. My gran is always telling me wild stories of the supernatural.

"Take a seat," the man says. He sounds just like the man outside who had a slight accent I couldn't place. On closer inspection it is! Or it could be his twin who's part of the act.

We sit down.

"What do you wish for?" He asks.

"How exactly does this work and what are the guarantees it will work?" My no nonsense friend queries.

"There are no guarantees in life other than death. This is about faith and your heart's desire."

"Why should we believe you if there is no evidence or guarantee?"

"You don't have to believe me. Consider this, that I have asked nothing of you in here just as nothing was asked of you as you walked through the tent of mirrors. It's all about the experience," the strange man replies, his mouth tilted in a half smile which could be a smirk.

"Fair enough," Char finally relents.

I however, don't know what to say and my stomach is flopping again but this time I get a queezy feeling. It's more of an anxiety than the simmering rage from earlier when I saw Brice and Hailey in that swirling teacup.

I'm ready to get outta here and back to the main park.

"So do we just tell you our wish?" I ask skeptically wanting to move this shindig along.

"You don't have to tell me anything. You can write it down."

He opens a big, ancient looking book. It's leather bound with carved markings - impressive. A literary fiend like myself would know.

He hands me a curious quill. I don't recognize the feather of the bird.

"Uhm... ink?"

"No need. You write with intention. You don't need to see the words to know what you inscribed. You don't need to see to believe it is there."

I'm nervous but scribble something in. I slide the book over and hand the quill to Char who swishes it around in thought before doodling something herself.

As soon as she puts the pen down, there is a gust of wind that blows the candles out sending us into darkness.

We squeal and grab a hold of each other's hand.

"Lets go!" I whisper-shout, my sense of flight and self-preservation kicking in.

*Clap! Clap!*

The candles come back on.

"It is done," the Magician announces.

Eeeep! So excited to see some reads and a couple votes on here 😬

It's encouraging to know I'm not writing this for the ether 💃🏾

Have you ever met a Magician? Consulted with a tarot reader or fortune teller?

Ever made a wish that came true?

What about manifestations or the law of attraction?

Things are about to get serious. Soleil is about to get her wish granted and I can't wait for you guys to read it 😋

Gonna give this a week to gage interest.

Please vote, comment and follow 💫

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