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I wake up in a soft bed with even softer sheets, blinking the sleep from my eyes and trying to orient myself. Where am I?

I don't even remember getting into bed. In fact, the last thing I remember is being at the club with Mark, taking shots, lots and lots of shots then dancing... more like doing the bump and grind before we kissed.

I groan in misery before my eyes snap open at the memory of what came after or should I say who – Brice. I sit up and look around hurriedly, immediately wishing I hadn't. My head hurts and my mouth is dry. If this is what being hungover feels like then I'm never drinking again.

"About time you got up," I hear his voice boom through the room.

I don't even have the energy to face him right now. The last thing I remember is facing him in the mirror as I washed my date's blood off my hands.

"I need water," I croak out.

I swing my legs off to the side and try to stand up before I'm hit with a dizzy wave. Not a good idea. I sit back down. Despite the sudden ringing in my ears, I still hear the door open and close. I can only hope he's gone to get me some water.

I flop back, my feet dangling off to the side mid air, and take a few deep breaths trying to recount last night. I remember everything from the dance to arriving at the club. Mark stopping for a brief chat with Tshepo and Brice making out with the red head.

Argh! I hate to admit that was upsetting which led to me taking shots when we settled in with the Saints - they are anything but. I was drinking, dancing, grinding, kissing, then all of a sudden being dragged into the men's bathroom.

After that, nothing. Yes, I remember Brice hitting Mark and me trying to stop the blood then washing it off but everything after that is a complete blank. Do I have a head injury or something?

More like selective amnesia, my subconscious rebuts.

Well, that part of my brain hasn't changed so it can't be that bad. How did I get here and why does my body hurt? If I'm here with Brice then where is Mark? I have a feeling I don't want to know.

I sit up slowly and look down at the oversized white tee I'm wearing. I scan the room for my phone, bag, clothes – nothing. It's neat and clean with everything put away.

The door opens and Brice comes in with a bottle of water, a glass of OJ, and a pack of Panado. He sets them on the nightstand. I reach for the pills first, throwing them back and guzzling half the bottle before he takes it away from me.

I look at him like he's lost his mind snatching the bottle like that.

"Juice, it will help replace the lost electrolytes," he answers my silent question.

I raise my brow with a slight smirk because look at who's been studying his biology. When the glass is empty, I feel a lot better now that my stomach no longer feels hollow.

"Where are we?" I ask, my voice much smoother.

"We need to talk."

"No shit Sherlock," I quip sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "How did I get here?"

"Take a shower and meet me downstairs," is his only response.

He leaves me alone in the room staring after him. I look out the window and notice the rising sun through the sheer curtains. It's still early which means I still have time to contact Gogo and Aunt Michelle before making the drive back home to arrive at a decent hour.

I head to the bathroom to freshen up. My mouth tastes like filth and after digging through the cupboards I find an unopened toothbrush. As I strip off the tee and my panties, I notice bruising on my back and legs. Did I fall?

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