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We watch the sunset as the sky transitions from a baby blue to a fusion of oranges and pinks. 

By the time we're done with the second bottle and have eaten as much as we can, the moon shines brightly in contrast to the blue-black backdrop with a few stars twinkling in between. 

I don't think I'll ever look at a sunset, hell even the sun, the same way again. Her name is the embodiment of them both – Soleil – my little sunshine.

I call the driver to pick us up and a few minutes later we're on the way back to the beach house. Not even five minutes into the drive and Soleil is passed out. Her head rests on my shoulder with her lips slightly parted. I'm sure she's exhausted considering the day's activities. The liquor must have pushed her over the edge. I adjust her body to a more comfortable position placing her head on my chest and wrapping my arms around her as I stretch out on the seat and lean back.

As great as today has been, I can't rid myself of the unease that's been hanging over me like a bad omen. Despite trying to sedate my worry with wine, I'm alert and more anxious than before. I brush my thumb over Soleil's full lips and tip her chin up with my forefinger. They come together in a perfect bow shape before they pop open once more yet she doesn't stir. I envy her ability to just shut off once she's had enough. I'm the complete opposite and can stay up for days at a time when I'm bothered.

The car arrives and I carry her bridal style into the pool house not wanting to rouse her. She was adamant that she'd done more exercise today than she was used to and her legs would be useless by tomorrow. I chuckle at the thought. She's lucky I don't need to put her down to open the door. I manipulate the moisture in the air to slide it open.

Her eyes flutter open when I place her on the mattress of our bed.

"Sorry, I fell asleep," she mutters rubbing her eyes.

"Shhhh, don't worry about it." I take off her shoes and kiss her forehead. "Go back to sleep."

I watch her roll over and snuggle into the pillow before I head out. I would love nothing more than to join Soleil in bed and hold her in my arms, but my senses are heightened. I'm wired as if primed for a fight. Instead of letting my imagination run wild, I decide to take a trip to the God's plane.

I strip off my shirt and kick off my sandals as I take the short path leading from the house to the beach. I swim a good distance out to sea before I take a deep breath and dive down. The longest recorded free dive is 200m. I break 500m before I feel it - the pull of the portal.

I push myself a little further and soon find myself swallowed in the whirlpool. Whereas before I was swimming downward, I now have to swim up. I break the surface and emerge on the other side to the astral plane that is Thierry's domain.

The darkness of the night is replaced by light when I look up. There are no luminaries here but there's always light. The beings that live here don't tire and need sleep like humans do. 

The water is an electric blue and the beaches are sandy white. It looks like paradise. All the structures are colossal in stature and made of what looks like whitewashed marble. The domed buildings are coloured in blue complementing the ocean. They're erected against a backdrop of green where nature weaves its way throughout with leaves, vines, and water in various pools and fountains.

I head towards the citadel, greeting familiar faces along the way. I note the soldiers who are in training, more soldiers than I remember seeing the last time I was here. Their exercises are brutal, and the combat they engage in is ruthless. I'm a well-built guy for my age at 6ft and 180 pounds but in comparison to these men, I'm small. My stature is laughable whenever I enter into the ring with one of them.

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