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Merovech has been different - distant. I haven't seen him in over a week. We haven't shared a bed in twice that.

Everyone back home thought I was making a mistake in taking off with a strange man. Others thought I'd been bewitched. Even my sister was wary and told me I shouldn't trust him but stupid me. I chose to trust my gut - to trust our connection, and I followed him halfway around the world across the waters.

We had an agreement, an understanding. We were helping each other out. However, it looks like I ran away from one problem only to find myself in the midst of another.

I had to get out of the enclosed space of my bedroom chambers in the house of stone he called a castle. I found myself in the chilly outdoors that was currently blanketed in what they call snow. It was beautiful. I just hated that it was so cold.

It was much more bearable when Merovech was with me, his large arms wrapped around me. His scorching gaze held the power to chase away any chill I felt when I stood before him naked as the day we'd met.

I shook the thought out of my head and pondered, not for the first time, going back home. It would be quite the feat considering I had no ship of my own.

The hairs at the back of my neck stood up in warning. I looked around the dark, quiet courtyard sensing that I was not alone. I couldn't see anyone but then again, I couldn't see much in the moonlight. Instead, I listened closely, moving behind one of the large pillars.

I wasn't supposed to be out here. There had been new arrivals in the kingdom, so-called emissaries that were sent on behalf of another king further north. Merovech trusted few and told me to stay out of sight in the event they were also sent to spy.

A war had been raging for years and the intruders would soon reach their territory. They were a large army that had struck fear in the hearts of the smaller tribes. Some had defected north and pledged their allegiance to various kings while others had surrendered to the growing empire.

I was curious to know more, certain that I could be of help but Merovech refused to have me around his counsel of men when they held their meetings. So, I relied on the information he drip-fed me or whatever gossip I caught in the halls of the castle whispered among the servants.

The sound of footsteps crunching through the snow drew closer to where I stood. What if it was one of Merovech's men on patrol? I peeked around the pillar and caught sight of the brown fur coat on the giant of a man. It was not a soldier. He must be one of the visitors. I pulled back, shut my eyes and held my breath wishing I had the power to disappear.

"There you are. I thought I saw a female wandering about."

I opened my eyes and gazed into the light blue orbs of the man who had an amused smile on his face. He spoke their language with a strange tongue. Nevertheless, I could understand him.

I wasn't quite sure what to say - how to respond. I rarely spoke to people except the designated few approved by Merovech. He was rather overprotective. In times like these, I realized it put me at a disadvantage.

"Who are you?" He drew closer and I stepped back, pressed against the stone of the column. He tilted his head to the side, and I wondered if he could see me better with his dazzling blue orbs than I could see him. "Do you speak the Merovian tongue?"

"I can..." I paused not too sure how to address him.

Was he high-born with a title or one of the commoners?

My thoughts were interrupted when he wrapped a large hand around my waist and effortlessly pulled me out of the shadowy corner into the moonlight. He was as strong as he looked.

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