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I had asked Char to come over to my dorm room to get ready. I did not need the unnecessary anxiety of bumping into Hailey or her clan if we were already spending the evening at her party. But according to Char, they would be getting ready at the house not their dorms because they also needed to set up. Either way, I still needed her to come over and help me with my hair. If I'm being honest, I'm keen on meeting these malenated cool kids that Mark is vouching for. 

Char switched off the flat iron and ran a wide toothed comb through my tresses. I didn't let many people touch my hair, but my bestie had a gift in this department you know. The kinks and curls had been straightened but my hair had body.

Charlondra on the other hand was wilding out. Her coils were fluffed out to the max. She shook the hell out of me when I invited her over to the Halloween party and she immediately agreed. She had a Dora Milaje outfit on hand. Apparently, she had snagged it at a Durban market over mid-term break.

I looked between myself clad in a two piece and Char's bad ass military outfit that covered her from neck to toe

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I looked between myself clad in a two piece and Char's bad ass military outfit that covered her from neck to toe. 

"Explain to me how these two items can exist in your wardrobe, again?"

"Well when my mom was buying some Zulu sandals at the market she asked if they could make custom orders and since they already work with leather and beads, it gave me an idea for the harness and belt. That," she points at my outfit as I touch my exposed mid-section and thigh, "I got off the rail from a different stall." She shrugs her shoulders. "If I'm feeling cute I might wear it."

Charlondra moved over to stand beside me, now looking at herself in the mirror. She crossed her arms over her chest then snapped the heels of her boots together and stood straighter, mimicking a soldier at attention. 

"Well, you look like you understood the assignment and I look like I'm trying too hard. Bohemian princess meets African dashiki?"

"Exactly! You look hot. You are totally pulling off the Wakanda princess that I must protect from the wild hyenas that are masquerading themselves as suitors. If there was enough time, I would have made you a crown."

"Overkill." I deadpan.

I still can't believe she's roped me into this charade. And what's up with her accent? But I'm trying to focus on the positives like her agreeing to come and actually having fun.

"Ooo Killmonger. Now there's another fine specimen."

I quirk my brow in surprise. Make that two men Chalondra found appealing, albeit both were fictional. Move over Kal-el.

"So you and Mark... What happened to Brice? There's a 99% probability that he'll be there tonight."

I reached for my phone after hearing the ping of a text. Mark was downstairs.

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