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So much for our 2-point lead.

Brice is being a nuisance. He's ruining the game - for me that is. He won't let me get a hold of the ball and when I do he's all over me. The game is touch-rugby, kind of like tag, not fondle-me rugby. My teammates have even stopped passing me the ball. Despite their best efforts, even with Brice trailing me, he's quick to get at the opposition and it's near impossible to get over their try line.

Hidde calls our team in this time and we gather in a huddle.

"Okay, new plan: Soleil, I need you to run to the try line as a right-wing. Keep your focus on the ball as if you're anticipating a pass all the way to the line. Olivier, you trail behind me. We'll alternate passes and when you see Brice coming, look like you're about to toss it to Soleil but give it to Analise instead who'll be running left-wing waiting to catch and score."

"So, I'm just a decoy?" I ask Hidde.

"Pretty much. Analise, can you bring it home for us?"

"Yeah, but I'm getting tired."

"Same here," I add.

Hidde looks at us in annoyance. We suck it up and get into position. I miss Olivier as captain.

I run as instructed making a big show of heading for the try line. Brice's gaze volleys between me and whoever has possession of the ball. This might work considering the proximity between us. Baptiste and Brice focus on the guys in the center while Antonella and Remy focus on defending my and Analise's efforts on the wings.

The plan seems to be working when Hidde throws the ball down the line to Analise and for whatever reason she tosses it back and it makes its way over to me. I fumble the catch and nearly drop the ball but somehow manage to grab onto it and make it to the try line.

"Score!" I shout after feeling a hand on my waist.

I expect to see Brice, but it's Remy instead.

"Doesn't count. I touched you before your touchdown."

"No way! I was over the line even before the touchdown."

"Great job!" Olivier gives me a high five.

"Doesn't count. I touched her first," Remy argues.

"You touched my girl?" asks Brice.


"No, I think he's high," I counter.

"No, I'm pretty sure I touched you," says Remy refusing to concede the point.

"You're sure you touched my girl?" asks Brice.


"Soleil, you're off the team," interjects Hidde.

"What? Why?"

He looks at me and then at Brice, silently communicating his reasoning with an unimpressed expression.

I roll my eyes. "Fine. I'm tired of playing anyway."

I head over to the table and grab a bottle of water which I chug down as I make my way over to the braai stand where the meat is beginning to pile up. I pick up my favourite piece – a boerewors. It's still hot so eating it is a bit of an extreme sport in itself. Brice joins us and selects a pork chop.

"Guys, come now! We'll bring the platter over to the table once we're done," complains Louis.

"You've been eating this whole time which explains why they aren't done," argues Brice around a mouthful.

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