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I'm at the boarding gate waiting for Soleil with flowers in hand but she's late. We've been communicating over the phone daily - calls, videos, texts, you name it. I just want to know where she is and what she's doing every moment of every day. I've been looking forward to seeing her since leaving her with Hidde a couple of days ago.

He's also the reason why I'm here. When he showed up at the beach house after dropping Soleil off, we got into it. He was concerned about her well-being and my intentions. I asked him if he wanted her and instead of answering my question, he accused me of being insecure.

ME of all people.

I'm rich, handsome, have all my mental faculties in order as I ascending to my physical peak.

He then pointed out that even though the aforementioned may be true, my relationships weren't great, and my relationship with Soleil - abysmal. He went on to relay their in-car conversation and highlighted my shortcomings. He got on my nerves so bad, I had to admit that I did like her despite my actions showing otherwise.

Apparently, you're supposed to ask a girl out, court her, get to know her, and demonstrate consistent affection. I had never done that before. I had never been on the receiving end of that exchange either. How could I give something I didn't have? If I had a "love language" it would be sex and money.

I was once deeply in love with her - in our past life. I may not have said it then either but I showed her. Clearly, I had my work cut out for me if I was going to make her believe she was mine - always has been and always will be. My heart had claimed her.

"Sir, we've held off as long as we can. We'd be happy to have you on the next available flight which departs in an hour. However, we must now close the boarding gate or risk delaying other flights," said the flight attendant I'd bribed.

"Give me ten more minutes."

I try Soleil's phone again. It rings before going to voicemail. Damnit.

Her last message came an hour and a half ago when she told me she was on the way. Did something happen to her? Was she in an accident?

Shit! I walk over to the trashcan and dump the flowers. I need to get her address. I'm driving over to her house. I'd rather find her home because she changed her mind than dead on the road. I scroll my call log and find Hidde's name a few rows down.

The phone rings a few times before he picks up.

"Aren't you supposed to be enjoying your flight and wooing your paramour?"

"I haven't left yet."

"Why not? What happened?"

"She didn't show up. Send me her address."

"Brice, I think you need to - "

I don't hear the rest of what he says because I see Soleil running through the terminal heading in my direction. I hang up relieved. My mood instantly changes. I swear, this girl is my bipolar switch.

"I'm here! I'm here! Sorry, I'm late! I didn't think you'd wait and was about to purchase another ticket when they told me to come through," she rushes out, breathless.

"Thank your boyfriend, Miss" says the flight attendant as she checks her boarding pass.


She looks shocked to see me. She didn't even notice me. I walk over to the counter and feel like a moron for tossing the flowers. I don't plan on digging them out. I'll buy her a fresh bouquet when we land.

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