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This girl is playing peek-a-boo with me over the pages of her book. I wonder what's going through her head. She hasn't flipped a page since opening it. I would know because I'm feeling out of sorts and have been trying, not to so successfully might I add, to concentrate on doing something productive other than watching her.

I find that its useless. I'm used to studying in the private library of Eagles Row which is exclusive to the prefects it houses. Call it one of the perks of leadership at Milton.

I want to take her somewhere we can relax - away from the prying eyes of others.

After tinkering on her phone for a bit, she softly excuses herself pushing her chair back and disappearing behind a shelf.

I would take her back to Eagles Row but I don't think a house full of boys would help in putting her at ease. Not to mention what the gents would think and even worse, say. Sometimes boys gossip more than girls and I don't need that getting back to Hailey.

Speaking of which... I shoot her a text.

Won't b able 2 see u for this morn's sesh.

An idea comes to mind. The more I think it over the more appealing it becomes.

My phone vibrates. It's probably Hailey.

But you were on the way a few minutes ago ☹

Want me to meet you instead?

Nah don't worry abt it. Just biz I need 2 handle.

There's a lodge my dad's club owns that's about 20 minutes out. He reserves its use for members or when he can make it out here to watch one of my sporting events.

The members comprise of the good men who are rich enough and sensible enough to send their kids to Milton. Men that have made it into his business circle and his special little club.

The other parents of Milton either lodge in town or don't stay long enough and drive over to one of the hotels in the next city.

If I'm lucky the staff are out and about in town but knowing my dumb luck, there are one or two milling around. They're hired year-round acting as spies for my father in this community. The best gossip always comes from the help.

I stand and look for Soleil. This bird has me chasing her down and I wont get anywhere with her on school grounds. It will be easier to read and engage her once we shed the roles we're currently playing: Me the jock; She the nerd.

I stand behind her and press myself into her back, taking hold of her waist.


"Yeah?" Her voice is barely above a whisper.

"Will you go out with me?"

She's got to know this is a date. I've got to woo her. The Frenchman in me wants to give her romance but time is not on our side. We have 2 periods today and 2 months left in the year.

My phone buzzes. It's probably Hailey.

I squeeze her waist in anxiety willing her to say yes.

"You said you were free for the next 2 periods."

"Yeah," she nods her head, the strands tickling my nose. It smells like wildflowers.

"Want to go for a drive? Get some fresh air."

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