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The timer on the phone goes off but I'm not yet done with my paper. I ran out of time and didn't get to the last two.

"Swap?" Charlondra asks.

I hand her my paper and take hers in turn. With the marking memo between us, I compare her answers to the sheet and she's correct on every single one. 

"Why didn't you finish?"


"The paper. There're questions you've skipped."

"I ran out of time with the last two," I mutter a bit disappointed.

"You skipped a couple on pages three and four," she adds, flipping to the pages that have big red question marks where answers should be.

"What?" I grab the paper and look through the pages. 

Damn. I'm really off my game today. I'm probably just exhausted and need to catch some Z's.

"You've been distracted lately. Is it the MD, Brice or both?"

I give her the side eye and she merely shrugs.

"What? Must I lie to you? If I don't call you out, then who will?"

I exhale feeling the tension riding my body.

"You're right I have a lot on my mind."

"If the tutoring is taking up too much of your time I suggest you drop it. It's not like he'll fail to get into a good university. They still prioritise money and legacy over brilliance otherwise financial exclusion wouldn't be a thing. Do you even know what he's applying for?"

"No, I never asked."

Thinking back on it, I was so focused on trying to do my job and not get distracted. That went out the window when he started touching and kissing me.

I hear his voice echo in my mind.

Even if you begged, I wouldn't fuck you Soleil. 

I mean am I only good enough for every other base except the home run? 

I brush my hand down my face and cringe thinking back to how desperate I must have looked grinding myself on him that morning. 

"You're not strapped for cash are you?"


I'm an incoherent mess barely able to keep up a convo with my bestie.

"The money he's paying you.... If you're in need I got you. No need to stress by prostituting the hours you could be spending on bettering yourself. That Matric certificate only has your name, subjects, and grades. You're entire schooling career condensed on one page.  I know as women we're taught to be selfless and nurturing, but now is the time to be selfish."

She has a point. I don't even think he needs my help. He's a king. 

And a jackass, my subconscious retorts. 

Even if he failed he would be better off than 99% of people on the planet. 

"You know what? You're right. I need to be selfish." I hand back her paper. "It wasn't about the money. I guess I just wanted to be close to him and the whole arrangement gave me an excuse."

I chance a glance at Char who seems to be mulling it over as she nods her head in understanding.

"So what's your excuse now?"

"I don't have any. You know what, I'm just going to continue emailing him my notes," I decide. 

And I'm going to keep my distance.

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