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I'm as hard as a rock to the point that it hurts.

I reach down and squeeze my dick hoping to find some relief. I hadn't planned on sleeping with Soleil yet, but after getting a taste of her I'm close to giving in to my baser urges. I lick my lips savouring her tangy flavour and shut my eyes.

My grip tightens in the hopes of quelling the throbbing as I try to remember what lies ahead – the Olympic trials and Labours. The former, I'm not too worried about but the latter will require everything I have to give. I'm expected to swim across the North Sea, one of the most perilous waters, from France to Norway. I can't ruin my chances let alone risk my life for a moment's pleasure.

The bed shifts and my eyes spring open. I watch Soleil get up and head for the bedroom door.

"Where are you going?"

"My butt still hurts."

Her hips sway as she walks away and I follow her in a trance. She goes to the kitchen, switches on the lights, opens the freezer, and bends over. The view makes my cock weep. It is only in the light that I notice the slight colouration on her brown skin. She pulls out an icetray and shuts the door. Shaking a few cubes out, she takes one and begins to rub it around her bottom.

"You didn't have to hit me that hard," she says, glaring at me.

"Trust me when I say I didn't."

I walk over to her and take a fresh cube, rubbing it along her now wet bottom. Despite wanting to help, the act is borderline torture. My dick swells in excitement. Once the ice in my hand melts, I head over to the glass door and unlock it.

I make my way into the cool outdoors, take off my boxers and jump in the pool hoping to cool off my erection and work out my sexual frustration. I swim a few laps. When I stop for a break, I notice Soleil leaning against the door frame watching me. 

She's naked and looks adorable with her hair in disarray. She crosses her arms and legs to hide her nudity and draws in her bottom lip looking away shyly.

"Come in," I beckon.

She hesitates and checks the coast before approaching the water's edge. Gingerly, she slips into the pool from the deep end this time careful to keep her head above water. I think she's still trying to avoid wetting her hair.

I wrap my arm around her waist and she wraps her legs around mine. Unlike earlier, we're pressed together skin on skin. I adjust her body along mine until my dick lies between her folds. Her breath hitches and she closes her eyes. When she opens them, they are half-hooded in lust.

"Brice, I can't."

"You can't what?"

"Have sex."

Her mouth is saying one thing, but her body says another. She's right of course but her denial has me pressing the issue. I know my reasoning but need to understand hers.

"Why not?"

I rock my hips back and forth creating a delicious friction. I can see the raised pulse beating at her neck. It would be so easy to just slip in.

"Birth control. It hasn't kicked in," she says breathlessly.

I still my motions.

"What are you talking about?"

"I got the depo shot but it takes a week to activate or something like that."

"Why are you taking birth control?"

"I don't want to accidentally fall pregnant in the event that we do... you know."

She attempts to disengage herself from me. I maintain a firm hold of her and manoeuvre us to the corner of the pool. 

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