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I stand up and walk around the expansive kitchen. I'm curious as to what's behind the closed doors and I'm blown away when they give way to a dining room with a table large enough to seat 20 people.

People are rich at Milton House but this is on another level.

He said the house belongs to a club of his dad's. Sorry I mean manor, because calling this place a house is an understatement if not downright insulting. 

I walk around the room looking at the portraits of all the different men, white men, hung up in prestige.

This looks like a very exclusive club if you know what I mean.

No women and no brown faces.

None at all.

I turn around wanting to voice my grievances to Brice only to find him leaning against the door of the threshold. My words die in my throat at the intense look he levels me with. I can tell he wants me but I don't know why and most importantly what game he's playing at.

He copped a feel in the car and kissed me - albeit a peck on the lips. 

He asked me to go out with him but threw me off when he offered to pay me for my tutoring services. I'm discombobulated to put it lightly. 

The drive out here was the breath of fresh air I needed. I felt like I was flying down the highway standing through the sunroof having my hair tossed about. Even breakfast was a nice touch. The fact that he was the one making it being the cherry on top. I didn't think that a man of Brice's caliber knew his way around a kitchen.

This date is giving all kinds of confusing messages. 

$1500 a week is good money though. Aunt Michelle will be proud of this little coup when I catch her up over the holidays.

"Do you want me to give you a tour?"

"Uhm," I check the time on my trusted Cassio considering the classes I signed up for in this final block. "Sure, although I doubt we have much time."

"Always such a good girl." He takes a hold of my hand giving my palm a kiss with this smouldering look in his eyes.

I blink breaking the brief spell I'm caught under. He turns around walking us out of the room, my hand still firmly in his.

"So, how does one become a member of this little club?" Now I'm being insulting. This place is anything but little by the looks of it.

"The criteria has changed." He leads me down a different hall of impressive art. "The founding members where Frenchmen who were fleeing Europe and the church. They were in search of liberty and wealth. My father wants to maintain our French roots so if you can trace your bloodline and of course have the money to buy in."

"How much is the buy in?"

"$100 000"

As much as I want to choke on the sheer cost, I play it cool.

"Is this a one-time fee or are there other costs?"

"I said buy in mon cher."

He leads me to the sun-room which is much warmer than the other parts of the house we've seen so far.

"The annual fee ranges from $25 000 to $50 000 depending on the amenities you choose. Why? Do you want to join?" He smirks at me.

"Am I allowed to join?"


"What? Why not?"

"You're a woman."

"Excuse me?"

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