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I try ignore the banging on my door as I taste satisfaction on my lips. Soleil is sticky and sweet from whatever she put on her now pouty mouth. I suck on her bottom lip until I nail the flavour - strawberries.

Finally, I have her where I want her. 

Finally, we are alone and she's finally taken the leap into my arms.

"Brice! Cummon man." Thump!

Hidde sounds irritated, so much so his Afrikaans accent seeps through into full boer. He's going to be in a foul mood if I ignore him and worse yet, he wont stop. He's been this persistent since we were kids. I guess his tenacity paid off since he's now Head Boy just as he said he would be from the first day we set foot on school grounds.

Soleil is a temptress. I wrap my hand around her neck to tear my lips away from her. I'm so hard I'm annoyed because my waking fantasy was so short lived. I pick her up off the desk and slide her against my dick. She trembles in my hands.

Soon, I vow.

I tell her to sit as I adjust my dick and prepare to face the Head boy and not my cousin based on his tone. I can see Hidde was about to knock again when his arm stops mid air.

 I can see Hidde was about to knock again when his arm stops mid air

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"What?" I bark out with a sad case of blue balls.

Like a frustrated bull, he blows out a harsh breath. "You know you're not supposed to have a girl in here. Jy weet. Why die hell do you have a girl in here? Hoekom?" he pinches the bridge of his nose. You know. Why?

"Relax." I open the door a bit wider and there sits a composed Soleil with the pages of our contract in front of her. "Ms Spellman and I were just putting things in writing. Let's go,"  I tell Soleil gathering the contract, my textbook, and notes. 

We march downstairs with Hidde leading the trail and Soleil between us. He disappears down a passage to the west wing without a backward glance, most likely heading back to his room. I move around Soleil when she stalls as to where to go. I head for the common room drawing the attention of some of the boys. 

I place my fingers in my mouth and whistle.

A hush fills the room as the whistle echoes through the house. I didn't intend for it to be that loud but whatever. I turn around in search of Soleil and find her a few feet behind me staring wide-eyed at me and the people gathering around us.

I run a quick headcount - 7/15 boarders present. It'll have to do. Eventually the others will get the message.

"Listen up gents. This is Soleil and she will be a recurring guest at Eagles Row as my study buddy." 

I turn to Soleil and give her a wink following my short introduction. 

She gives a cute innocent wave before saying, "Hi guys, I'm covering chemistry in case you're wondering... not that you asked..." Her lips curl up to silence her in embarrassment before they then morph into a soft smile. 

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