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"Fuck this" you spat as your locker wouldn't open, every little thing was setting you off today. You got your period last night, and judging by the cramps in your abdomen it was going to be a rough one. You sighed, took a deep breath and tried the combination again, this time it opened.

"Y/N! Hey!" A voice shouted. You turned around and saw Dustin approaching you 'okay don't snap at Dustin Y/N' you thought to yourself. You put on your best smile "Hey Dusty!" You said as you brought him in for a hug "Whats up?" You asked.
"I was just coming over here to see if you wanted to catch a movie with some of us guys this weekend?" Dustin asked.
You paused for a few moments, you didn't really want to go out this weekend but Dustin never asks you to hangout "Sure, I'd like that! What are we seeing?" You asked.
"Nightmare on Elm Street 2!" He exclaimed
"Oh! Hell yea, I'll be there!" You said with a grin.
"Great! We're going tomorrow in the evening so meet me at my house. I'll radio you!" he smiled before walking to class.

You closed your locker and headed to your last class, English, if today could be over that would be great. Half way through class you put your head down on your desk and closed your eyes, the pain was getting worse with every minute that went by, before you knew it the final bell rang dismissing everyone from their last class.
You raced to your locker, put your books away, grabbed your bag and started to head out.
"Hey sweetheart" Eddie whispered behind you, making you jump
"Jesus Christ Eddie!" You smacked his shoulder.
"Is everything alright?" He asked.
You let out a sigh "Yea, I'm fine" you lied.
"Sweetheart, don't lie to me, I can see that somethings wrong just by the look on your face" he said.
"I got my period last night, and my cramps are just getting worse and worse. I kind of just want to curl up in a ball right now and cry" you said.
"Come on, let's go to my place" Eddie said as he grabbed your hand and headed to his van.

He put the van into gear and drove off from school "before we go to my place, we have to make a stop" he said as he turned a corner.
"Okay?..." you questioned.
Eddie drove a few more minute before arriving at the corner store that you two frequented, he put the van into park and looked at you "I'm buying you whatever you want" he smiled.

The two of you entered the store and you immediately went for the chip aisle, grabbed your favourite chips and walked to the back where the slurpee's and Eddie were.
"Someone looks happier" he smiled.
You smiled back "I am now" you said as you grabbed a cup and started filling it with your favourite soda.

Once you were done in the store you headed back to the van "Shall we rent a movie for my princess?" Eddie asked. "We shall" you replied.
He put the van into gear and headed to the movie store. Once inside you looked over at the counter "Hey Y/N!" Robin waved.
"Hey Robin" you smiled back.
You walked over to the horror section and immediately found what you were looking for, The shining. Grabbed the VHS case you walked over to Eddie, who was looking at the Sci-Fi section "what about this one?" He said as he held up The Thing.
"How about both" You said with glee as you held up your pick. Eddie flashed a smirk and nodded "Let's do both" he said.

Eddie paid for the rentals before you two headed back to the van and headed to his place. Grabbing your drink and snacks you headed to the front door, Eddie had grabbed the movies.
"Welcome home, princess" he said as he placed a kiss on the tip of your nose. You headed inside and immediately walked to his room and laid down, the cramps had gotten much worse and all you wanted to do was curl up in a ball and wait for it to be over.

"Babe?" Eddie came over to the bed and started rubbing your back "get I can you anything? Painkiller? Muscle relaxer? .. weed?" He asked.
You turned around and looked into his big brown eyes "actually, a muscle relaxer if you have" you said. Eddie stood up and walked into the bathroom, you heard a couple pill bottles rattling around before you heard Eddie say "here we go"
He came back into the room with 2 pills "Here babe" he said as he passed them to you, you quickly tossed the pills in your mouth and took a sip of your drink "thank you" you said as you smiled through the pain.

Eddie Munson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now