Part 62 - MOM

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The next day you woke up, excited to share the news with your mother when she came home. You looked over at Eddie who was fast asleep, he looked like such an angel in his sleep state. Your eyes moved back to your hand and admired the beautiful gold ring, you couldn't believe it, you were getting married. To Eddie fucking Munson. You caught yourself smiling like an idiot as all of these thoughts filled your head. Eddie groaned as he stretched out "mmmm good morning sweetheart" he said in his low morning voice.
"Good morning" you said softly as you kissed his forehead.

As you tried crawling out of bed you were quickly stopped by Eddie's arm, he wrapped it around your torso and pulled you in closely.
"And where do you think you're going?" He said in your ear.
You giggled "I have to pee, let me go"
You felt Eddie smile against your skin "Never" he whispered as he started tickling you.
"Eddie Munson, if you don't let me go I'm going to pee in this bed" you laughed "please let me go"
Eddie chuckled "Fine, but don't think you'll get away next time".

—————Time skip —————

After work you came back home and saw your moms car in the drive way, good, you thought to yourself, I can finally share the news. You unlocked the door and yelled "Hello?"
"In the kitchen!" Your mom yelled back.
Your heart started racing, you had to tell her though, this was huge news.
"Mom can I talk to you?" You said nervously.
"Of course, what's up?" She said as she stopped chopping vegetables and turned to you.
"I um, Eddie and I are.." your heart was practically pounding out of your chest "We're engaged" you said.

You watched as your moms expression went from happy to neutral "Oh" she said quietly as she went back to chopping.
"Is that it?" You said.
She looked at you with fire in her eyes "Well what do you want Y/N? Do you really think that's a great idea?" She asked.
You took a step back "I thought you'd be happy for me?..." you paused.
"Y/N I can't do this right now" she scoffed.
"NO. We're doing this" you said firmly "what the fuck mom?! You always tell me how much you like Eddie and how kind he is to me and to you. So why the hell aren't you happy for me?! Can't I have this?" You felt tears welting in your eyes.
She sighed "I can't have you living here if-"
"You're never fucking home anyways, why does it matter?" You snapped.
"Are you sure about that?" You said as you folded your arms as you stared into her eyes.
"You're done. I want you out" she snapped.

You but your bottom lip as tears streamed down your face and headed downstairs to pack your things. You frantically grabbed enough outfits for a week, as well as make up and whatever else you might need at Eddie's. Ignoring your mother as you walked back upstairs you headed for the door. Your mom was about to say something but you slammed the door behind you before you could hear it.

The walk to Eddie's was a bit colder tonight, you walked in silence with your arms folded across your chest. The tears on your cheeks now felt like ice against the cold wind.

You didn't realize how cold you were until you finally made it to the trailer park. As you walked up to the door your legs started shaking, you knocked on the front door a few times and then took a step back, you were shivering at this point due to the chilly weather. Foot steps approached the door before it opened. Eddie's smile faded as he saw the state of you.
"Babe? What's wrong?" He asked as he brought you inside.

It finally hit you, you started crying profusely in his tattooed arms "my-my-my mom" you stuttered "she kicked- me out" you managed to say.
"What?" Eddie was shocked "what the fuck?!" He said. You could tell he was angry but his focus was on you.
"Okay. Shhh it's okay, come on let's go lay down" he said.

Eddie grabbed your bag and led you into his room, you took your jacket off and crawled into his bed. You watched as Eddie put your things down and closed the door before crawling into bed next to you.
"My god you're freezing. Come here" he said as he brought you in closer to his warm body.
"You can talk when you're ready" he hushed "I'm not going anywhere" he added.

The next morning you woke up in Eddie's arms, the phone rang in the other room. Wayne must be home because it stopped after the first two rings. A few moments later there was a knock on the door "Eddie? Is Y/N in there?"
Eddie leaned up and groaned as he rubbed his tired eyes "Yea, what's up?"
"Her mother is on the phone for her"
"I'll be right out" you said as you hopped out of bed.

Your heart was pounding, lord knows what more she had to say to you. As you walked over to the phone your face started burning, you were so anxious you could throw up.
You picked up the phone "Hello?" You said.
"Hi Y/N.." your mom paused "I- um... are you okay?" She asked.
"Fine" you said quickly "what did you call for?" You asked.
"I've had some time to think about everything. While I don't fully agree with this marriage... I just want you to be happy" she took a deep breath "This is really hard for me to say but.. I still think it would be best if ... if you moved in with Eddie"

A tear formed in your eye, you weren't sure if she was serious last night but this solidified it.
"Okay" you swallowed harshly.
"Honey.. I know this is a big change but-"
"Mom. You've said enough. I get it. I'll come home later and pack my things" you sniffled "Anything else?" You asked.
"No but I-" she stuttered.
"Great" you hung up the phone and walked into Eddie's room with tears in your eyes.

"Babe what's wrong?" Eddie asked as he pulled you in for a hug.
"She's serious. She wants me to move out" you started crying.
"Shhh it's okay" Eddie whispered "It's okay, we can do this" he said. Eddie hugged you for a few moments longer before pulling away and looking into your eyes "I'll ask Wayne if you can stay with us here until you and I find a place"

Eddie left the room and closed the door behind him. You could hear the two of them talking, you couldn't make our what they were saying though. After a few minutes Eddie came back into the room and closed the door behind him before sitting next to you on the bed. He grabbed your hands and looked into your eyes "Okay, Wayne said you can stay as long as you need. He said he also can help us find a place whenever we're ready" he said as he rubbed the top of you hand with his thumb.
You exhaled deeply as you didn't notice you were holding your breath this entire time.
"Thank you" you said softly as you hugged him.
"Anything for you" Eddie whispered as he wrapped his arms around you.
"Now" he said as he pulled away and brushed your hair out of your face "What do you say I make us some breakfast?" He smiled.
"I would love that" you sniffled

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