Xmen 134

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"I'll take your Xmen 134!" You can hear Will giggling as he shouts down the dark street. Dustin trailing just slightly behind him.

"Hey no fair I didn't say go!" Your brother screams. Smiling to yourself you get up from your comfy spot on the bed, beneath your bedroom window, and head downstairs to greet Dustin. You can still hear Will and Dustin jokingly argue as Will's voice becomes distant and he rides away.

The door slams open infront of you "Hi dusty!" You exclaim and wrap him up in a brief hug. He smiles but shakes you off. "How was the campaign?" You ask knowing how long he and the gang had been planning it.

"Fun but we didn't get to finish" he sighs dejectedly. "Will cast fireball and rolled a 7 because Lucas kept pressuring him!"

You sigh chiming in sympathetically with the small bit of D&D knowledge you have "that sucks, couldn't he have cast protection?" To which Dustin nods vigorously but again emphasizes how Lucas wouldn't lay off. With a shrug you reply "sometimes party members have to take risks for the sake of their friends"

Dustin agrees and rushes off to say goodnight to mom so you decide to head back upstairs and finish the chapter of the book you'd been reading.


After a refreshing sleep you take a quick shower and head downstairs to the kitchen, Dustin's already engulfing a bowl of cereal as the phone rings. You pick it up wondering who'd be on the line this early in the morning. "Hello?" Voice still slightly croaky from not having spoken yet.

"Hi Y/N um did you see Will at all last night usually the boys ride home together" Mrs Byers? Thats concerning why would she be asking that unless... Will didn't go home last night.

"Yes he and Dustin came back together and then Will carried on his way home, why is everything okay?" Will was the more quiet one of the group and you adored hin as if he were your own brother. You'd spent so much time with Dustin's friends, you were almost a member of their party yourself.

"Yeah you know what, I think he just left early for school thanks though" Hmm something was off and you felt awful.

"I could borrow my moms car and drive around looking if he's not home-" Joyce cuts you off and gracefully declines your offer hanging up. You hoped she was right about him just leaving early.

"Who was that?" Dustin asks looking up from his bowl, upper lip covered in milk.

"Wills mom, says he left early for school but she sounded panicked" you sigh stomach in knots split between not wanting to worry your brother but not wanting to lie to him either.

"Could have. Sometimes Mr Clark lets us use the AV club equipment on a morning if we're early" Sounds reasonable.

"Okay well just make sure you get to school safe okay?" Patting him on the shoulder you make yourself some toast and pour a glass of orange juice trying to focus on the day ahead.

Noticing a headache starting to form you grab your moms car keys and start the drive to school. You would have offered Dustin a ride but you know he likes to ride with his friends. You click play on the car radio and let the music carry away some of the nerves.

Walking into school with a backpack slung over one shoulder you walk past Nancy Wheeler and her friend Barb. You knew Nancy through Mike on the various occasions you either played D&D with the boys or went to pick up Dustin. You weren't friends but you did like her, she was sweet and pretty and on the rise of becoming popular thanks to her new boyfriend who's 'not her boyfriend' Steve. She caught your eye as you walk past her so you raise a hand and smile to which she smiles back. Barb looks at you but doesn't really greet you, nonetheless you smile and wave at her too and carry on down the hallway to your classes. The day passes without a hitch and your mind forgets all about the phone call this morning. That is until you get called into questioning by an officer to come and accompany your brother.

Your head starts back up again with possibilities. Is Dustin in trouble? No he never does anything bad. Stupid? Yes but bad no. Wait the phone call. Oh god it's Will you can feel it.

You find yourself squeezed onto a couch with your brother and his friends, all of them rambling over the top of eachother. "OK! One at a time" Hopper cuts in. Mike is the first to speak up.

"He takes Mirkwood home"

Hopper and the other officer make eye contact. "Mirkwood? You ever been to Mirkwood?"
The other cop shakes his head.

"I have not sounds made up to me" at this point you were fully dissociating and could barley register the boys arguing about lord of the rings or some shit. Hoppers sterm voice pulls you back to reality.

"You." Your head snaps to face him instantly, "make sure these kids don't go wondering off looking for their friend tonight okay this is serious not some Lord of the rings book"

"The Hobbit" Dustin corrects. Jesus your little brother sure knows how to make a bad situation worse. You nod as the boys go back at their argument slapping eachother in the arm. Hopper gives you a brief a understanding look making the tension ease off your shoulders. He rises from his seat now addressing only the boys.

"Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear." They all reply in unison and scrurry off back to whatever class they need to be in while the other officer takes you back to the highschool and you manage to make it through the day.

By the time you get home you notice Dustin's bike is outside meaning he got back before you, you go inside and hear some noise coming from the pantry. Your mom is passed out with Mews in her lap on the couch so you figured Dustin was just looking for a snack. "Heya bud" you grin as you approach but stop upon seeing him shoving fistfuls of candy into his backpack.

"Don't tell mom" he pleads instantly giving you his best puppy eyes. Damn it whatever hes up to how can you say no.

Crossing your arms with fake annoyance you question him "give me one good reason not to"

"Lucas told me that Mike wants to go looking for Will so we need supplies-"

"Stop right there. Looking for Will? Did you even listen to Hopper today?"

"I know but remember what you said!" You raise an eyebrow.

"What I said?"

"Yeah you said that party members have to take risks for eachother sometimes" he points an accusing finger in your face. Shit okay maybe those were your words.

"Fuck it fine" His eyes light up immediately "but I'm coming" and then his face drops again.

"No! Mike and Lucas are gonna think I told on them!"

"They won't I'm always helping you guys get away with stuff" you protest, which was true you did often lie for them or take the fall because you couldn't help but love being a little mischievous.

"Okay fine" he grunts adding a more mumbled "thank you..." As his big sister you could tell he secretly wanted you to come with him despite him being too proud to admit he needed some support.


The night air was cool and you could tell it was going to rain. "I think we should go back" Dustin comments to the others.

Mike refused "no we're not going back just stay close"

You squeezed Dustin's shoulder affectionately. You loved the dark it was so comforting despite the circumstances and being out here with your boys was exciting, the older sibling energy sparking in you drawing out your protective side. You hadn't rode your bike in awhile and you could feel that the seat was too low for you so you were glad when you continued into the woods on foot.

However you were not so glad when it began to pour with rain. Not that the rain wasn't nice but it made the whole sneaking aspect a lot harder. The boys were now arguing about wether or not they should head back- as you tuned them out you noticed some twigs cracking and it was not from you. "Guys shut up!" You whisper yell. Mike hears it too and repeats your call to shut up. They all freeze.

"What?" Dustin asks. They whip around to the right when the rustling comes extremely close and your flashlights reveal a figure. Of a girl?

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