The fight continues

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There, looming and vast, a grotesque creation. It was hungry for blood and not yours but your lovers. "Nancy!" You scream as the creature rears its gaping mouth towards her.

"Shit" you barely hear her curse over the aggressive raptor like sounds.

She makes a wild dash for the first door she sees, the thing intent on following. A miraculously placed ladder obscures its path, fleshy legs getting caught and entangled. Nancy desperately tries to push open the door and creates a gap big enough for her slender frame to glide through. She escapes out of sight just as the monster frees itself charging after her. You grab the nearest object to you, a metal pole used for IV's. The burning pain has not subsided as you limp as fast as your broken body can carry you.

There's one thought in you mind and you must obey. Save my girlfriend. You make it to a dark corridor and spot the vile mass of bones and skin melting its way under a door. Panic gripped your every muscle "Nancy?" You yell.

She shouts back in response "Y/N!"

You slam against the door as the mass fully disappeares from view. It doesn't budge so you swing the IV pole into the rooms window, not a crack. "God dammit!" Your lungs burn but you must keep trying, you must. A nearby fire extinguisher catches your eye and you're quick to grab it using it as a battering ram. The window cracks under each lunge the strength in your arms coming from seemingly raw fear, not for yourself but for her.

The kids come running up the stairs Jonathan close behind, Eleven tears the door clean off its hinges and you stop slamming against the window. She reaches out a hand screaming, the monster gets slammed from wall to wall. Nancy lays on the ground breathing heavily. Thank god she's okay. Sticking out a second arm El launches the beast so hard against the bricks it slams through and flies out onto the ground below the building. "Go" she huffs moving to let you pass.

"Nancy" you gasp, everything hurts but not as much as seeing her shaking. Everyone exits the room hurrying outside. "Are you okay? Please tell me you're okay" you cup her face and press your foreheads together.

You take some time to recover from the ordeal, scavenging some medical supplies that haven't been contaminated by bloodshed. Thankfully painkillers are easy to get ahold of in the hospital and you and Nancy both take a handful. She tenderly wipes the blood from your face, applying bandaids to the splits on your skin. Anytime you attempt to make a fuss over her she dismisses you "you got the worse of it" she sighs. It's true you've never had that intensive of a fight in your life. Although she agrees to let you check her wounds, a few bruises across her neck and shoulders. "Told you" she smirks pulling up her purple dress.

The gang make their way back into the room and tell you that the assailant left through a sewer grate. Both you and Nancy need a shower and some clean clothes. Her mom will definitely notice the state of her hair and makeup so you take her back to your house. Your mother has always been aloof and unaware so it's not hard to avoid her as usual and sneak Nancy into the bathroom with you. You agreed to meet at Hoppers cabin once you'd both cleaned up. Feeling clingy after having almost lost eachother you decide to shower together.

You help eachother undress in slow careful movements, its not sexual but it provides a much needed intimacy you both seek, needing comfort you admire eachothers presence letting the water run over your marked skin. Green bruises flower along the pair of you, Nancy has a few dots whilst you are absolutely covered. "Jesus" Nancy whispers running her fingers along your spine.

"Its not that bad" you lie, every square inch of you ached but the medicine was helping slightly.

"I don't know what would have happened without you" she says eyes welling up.

"Oh come on we both know you would have outsmarted that thing" you offer a smile and she laughs softly.

After washing away blood and sweat you trudge to your bedroom pawing at clothes. You offer Nancy a striped dress that looks to be her size, its long on her but fits around the shoulders and waist. For yourself you pick out a simple t-shirt and shorts. The summer air is still hot but calms the nerves. The thought crosses your mind- Dustin- where is he? Probably still playing secret agent with Steve you assume. There's a nagging in your stomach that makes you wish for one of his bear hugs.

"What's the matter?" Nancy's voice pulls you out of your turmoil.

"Wondering how Dustin is" you say letting your gaze drift to your walkie.

You pick it up and extend the antenna "Dustin do you copy?" You ask apprehensively. No response. "Dustin-"

"Hey I'm sure he's just fine" Nancy says squeezing your shoulder.

"Right" you confirm but deep down you don't believe it, that nagging feeling still sitting low inside your abdomen.


Inside the cabin Eleven sits infont of the TV with a blindfold 'spyimg' on different targets. Nancy and Jonathan are arguing faintly in the background. You're staying out of it still in shock from everything you've been through. Max and Mike start bickering over Elevens limits capturing your attention.

"Y/N who do you think should decide Elevens limits" Max asks her blue eyes burning into you.

Mind still foggy you draw out your reply "...Eleven..."

"See!" Max hisses in Mike's face.

"No I'm getting a second opinion" Mike scoffs storming over to Nancy.

You stay at Els side watching her repeatedly wipe blood from her nose "doing alright?" You ask not because you dont believe in her but simply because you haven't spoken with her in awhile. She nods without speaking and you take her hand "ignore those idiots you're doing amazing" she smiles still not speaking. After a brief pause she whips her blindfold off looking disgruntled.

You stand up offering a helping hand, she takes it and you walk to the door- its eerily quiet now, what happened to all that arguing? "Whats going on?" El asks.

"Just family discussion" Lucas smirks. Mhm...

"I found him" El states after an awkward silence.


We all sit around her waiting patiently. She found Billy, now she just needs to get answers. Her breathing speeds up and you grit your teeth in anticipation.

"Something's wrong" Mike huffs. Her breathing begins to steady but Mike still sounds concerned "are you okay?"

"I'm okay" her voive was shaky and small. "I'm... on a beach"

Lucas looked confused "I may be dense but the last I checked there are no beaches in Hawkins"

"What else do you see?" Max asked.

"A little boy" she pauses for a moment "it's Billy"

Max sighs "it's California, its a memory"

There's another pause until Eleven speaks again "I think I see the source"

You shimmy closer to her nearly sliding off the couch. How was all this shit still happening three years later? You wanted nothing more then to find the root and put a stop to it all.

"Brihmborn ... Steelworks" she mutters.

Jonathan jumps up to a phone-book scanning the steelworks section "6522 cherry oak" he calls after finding the address.

"El we got it now get out of there" Mike yells.

She pulls her mask off screaming, Mike is there instantly to cradle her. She sobs and you have no idea why but she must have seen something. Something bad.

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