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You wake up feeling hungover as hell. Headache pounding hard enough you could vomit. You remember you fell asleep before Dustin cane home and jump out of bed groaning. "Yo Dustin" you swing his door open without knocking the hangover making you forget your manners.

Dustin is standing over his tortoise tank and whips around to face you. He freezes, a look of horror on his face, not knowing what to say. "You okay-" you begin but stop when you see Yurtle on the floor and the tank light off.

"Okay don't freak out" he puts his hands up mimicking surrender. "I found... Something last night"

"You what?" You frown shoving him to get a look in the tank. Dustin runs to shut the door so your mom can't hear. Inside the glass is a slimy creature moving very slowly. You gasp and jump back a little. You expected a mouse or a bird with a broken wing or something not whatever this was. "What the hell is that?"

He puts a finger over his lips instructing you to be quiet "I dont know okay it was in the trash-"

"Ew why did you take it out of the trash" you shiver feeling sick. The animal looked like a giant slug and was a sickly green color.

"Because I've never seen anything like it before, what if I've discovered a new species" he retorts "and his name is Dart"

You make a disgusted face. "Look do you want in or not?" He asks.

"On what?"

"Research, finding out what it is"

You huff well its not like I had any other plans.

You quickly throw on a long sleeved tee and some pants accompanied with some old sneakers. You hop on your bikes and dash off to the library. Dustin leads you to all the sections and books he thinks will be useful. You get five each and take them to checkout.

"Mr Henderson" a young woman speaks from behind the front desk "you know the rules five books at a time" your brother just smiles.

"Yup, one two three four five" he counts his stack "five each"

"Ten" she corrects holding up a receipt "you already have five books checked out" you sigh internally. Trust Dustin to mess up his own plan.

"My mistake, however" he begins, beside him you grit your teeth "I am on a curiosity voyage" not this again. "And I need my paddles to travel. These books- these books are my paddles" you kick his ankle making him grunt.

"Five. At. A. Time" the lady tells him.

"Are you shitting me" he huffs making you snort trying to hold in a laugh.

"What the hell is that?" You scrunch up your face giving your best confused look, as the librarian turns in the direction you pointed, you yank Dustin's arm and make a run for it. Both of you burst out the doors in a giggling fit.

"I can't believe you did that" he chuckles. You both stuff the books in your backpacks and jump on your bikes.

"Well you're plan wasn't getting us anywhere!" You mock and stick your tongue out at him. "We're both gonna be late as fuck for school by the way"

He huffs "yeah well I have to go and show the others Dart"

You raise your eyebrows "you're not taking him to school are you?"


"Dustin!" You smack his cap down over his face "are you stupid?"

"Yes." He shrugs making you laugh again.

"Oh whatever but if you get caught I told you so" you shrug.

Dustin rides off in a separate direction while you decide to skip school. You made a stop at a convenience store and bought some painkillers and water for your headache. You also decided it was probably best to hang out somewhere besides home because your mom would want to know why you weren't at school.

You decided to ride past Nancy's house even though you knew she was at school. Or that's what you thought. When you got close you saw Jonathan's car and leaving the house was him and Nancy.

"Y/N?" Nancy called over to you making you get off your bike. "What are doing here? Why weren't you at school?"

"Skipping" you shrug "what about you" she furrowed her brows at you.

"I was worried about you" she huffs and crosses her arms. "Steve told me you took me home last night" she adds.

Giving her a nonchalant look you reply "yeah so?" you don't know if it was the hangover making you grumpy or the fact she was skipping with Jonathan instead of you.

"Get in the car" she instructs you changing the subject.


"Get in and I'll tell you"

You squeeze your bike in the trunk and hop in the back seat. Why do I keep getting roped into everyone's side missions?

"We're going to expose the truth of what happened to Barb" Nacy tell you once she's in the car.

"What, you can't -"

"We can we just have to be smart about it" she interupts "we've arranged to meet Barb's parents at the park, the people from the lab are probably listening to all our phone calls so they'll pick up on this" you grind your teeth nervously. "Then they'll intercept us"

"Isn't that a bad thing?"

Jonathan answers your question "we plan to record everything they say to us and get them to confess" This didn't sound like a good idea. Johnathan and Nancy looked back at you waiting for a response. You closed your eyes and thought about it, maybe this would bring Nancy some much needed clousre and the thought of revenge on behalf of Eleven added to the compulsion.

"Okay" you opened your eyes "fuck it I'm in"

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