Hospital horrors

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Mrs Driscol is thrashing in her bed. You look at Nancy and her eyes are vacant, panicked. "This isn't normal is it?" You ask with a croaky voice.

"We have to get to the boys" Nancy says shaking her head. You both dash out of the room and quickly tell a nurse something's wrong before running to the car.

"Its super late Nancy they're probably all asleep we should wait until the morning"

She sighs and puts her hands on her head "fine"

You spend the night at Nancy's but neither of you get much sleep. Instead you spend the time whispering about how this all connected to the upsidedown. Nancy explains about what happened with Will last year when she was helping get the mind flayer out of him. When the sun comes up you tell Nancy to call Jonathan since this involves his brother too.

You both anxiously wait for John. Once he arrives you bang on the basement door "not now mom!" Mike screams from below.

"Mike open the door" Nancy demands.

Once you're let into the basement Nancy explains what she saw "it was the same thing, exactly the same thing that happened to Will last year"

She places down a paper she took from the clipboard on Mrs Driscols bed. "The body temperature" you say pointing.

Will looks terrified "he likes it cold"

Mike speaks up "so this crazy old woman who was eating furtalizer-"

Nancy corrects "Mrs Driscol"

"Right yeah. But what time was this attack?"

"Last night"

"What specific time?"

"Around nine"

"You waited all night to call?" Jonathan hisses.

"She's flayed just like Billy" Mike announces.

Lucas nods "if there are two flayed we have to assume there are more"

Eleven gasps "Heather" the gang all turn to look at her confused "Billy was doing something to her, she was scared"

You grunt out "I'm sorry who is heather?"

Max sighs "a lifeguard at the pool"

"Heather Holloway?" Nancy gasps. "Tom-"

"Tom?" You ask.

"Hes Heather's dad, I work- worked for him"

Nancy dashes outside with you on her heel, the kids follow behind. Everyone crams in the back of your car, those who can't fit get in Jonathan's.

Nancy gives you directions as you speed down the open road. You park on the empty driveway and observe the house. Its quiet, nobody answers when Nancy rings the doorbell so Eleven busts the dooe open with her powers.

"Tom, Heather?" Nancy calls into the abandoned home. You walk into the kitchen with everyone in a line behind you.

"Jesus" you gasp at the sight of cleaning supplies spilled all over the counters, bottles completely enpty. "Don't tell me they're drinking this shit"

"Either that or they went on one hell of a cleaning spree" Nancy tuts.

"Last year Will didn't eat chemicals, did you?" Max asks the boy.

"No this is... new" he whispers in shock.

You walk ahead with Nance into the living room "blood" you crouch looking at the stained carpet.

"Yesterday Tom had blood on his face" Nancy realises out loud. Theres a wine bottle that appears to be the weapon in the same spot.

"He was hit over the head" you say plainly following the blood trail.

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