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Police surround you and Nancy. Questions bounce around your skull as officers investigate "so after you talked to Wayne what happened?"

"Nothing he was just gone" you tell them.

"Did you see anything or anyone lurking about looking shady?" Officer Callahan asks.

Nancy replies with her voice in a high stressful tone "no, no there was nobody there"

"We already told this to officer Daniels"

"Did you look into Victor Creel?" Nancy asks Daniels, you clench your jaw knowing she shouldn't have mentioned this to the police since it'd make you both look like loonies.

"Wayne got it in their heads that Creel did this" the officer informs the chief.

"Victor's locked away tight honey you don't need to worry" over his shoulder you spot a car pull up, Dustin, Steve, Max and Robin all get out. "Last you saw Fred he was by the picnic tables correct?"

Nancy is too distracted to speak so you quickly respond for her "yes sir"

He nods before firing some more questions which have you feeling agitated. You need to get to the others and find out what they know.


We gather at a table outside of Max's trailer and the group inform you on everything they've learnt. They tell you about Vecna and his curse which you recognize from the campaign you'd done just before all this started.

"It doesn't make sense" Nancy grumbles.

"It's just a theory" your brother says.

"No Fred and Chrissy, why them?" Nancy questions.

"Maybe they were just in the wrong place?" Dustin suggests.

"Both kills happened at the trailer park" Max comments making Steve squint uncomfortablely.

"Should we...maybe not be here?" He asks.

"Fred was acting weird the second we got here" you recall his quietness.

"No, I saw Chrissy crying in the bathroom at school" Max remarks.

"So...serial killers stalk their prey before killing don't they?" Robin perks up with her true crime knowledge.

"And if you saw a monster you wouldn't go to the police because they wouldn't believe you" you add spitballing onto the idea.

"I saw her leaving the counvilers office" Max gasps "it's more likely you'd go to there"

Everyone shares a look before getting up and making a beeline for the cars. Nancy strides straight past your car and you frown "where ya goin?" You call and she turns back with her head down and hands in her pockets.

"I- don't wanna waste anyone's time its a shot in the dark" she mutters.

"If this is about what Wayne told us we're in this together you know that" your voice comes out a little hurt.

"You're right I'm sorry I just... would feel really bad if its wrong" she takes a step towards you and holds her hands out which you take "but yes- together"


Nancy tells you to drive her to the library which you do. Walking up to the door you remember something "Nance" you freeze in place.


"I don't think I should show my face in here" you mumble nervously.

"Huh why?" She sounds puzzled.

"I sort of...stole some books last time I was here" you admit while scratching the back of your neck.

"When?" She huffs sounding both amused and disappointed.

"Two years ago"

"What?! Nobody is going to remember that" she giggles and tugs you inside.

"Okay but if I go to jail for book theivery you have to come visit me!" You tease as the smaller girl ushers you to the reception desk.

She swats your arm and rings the bell for service "can we get the key to the basement archives?" she asks as an unfamiliar lady appears.

Down in the basement she brings up your confession "so why'd you steal books?" She raises a perfectly groomed brow.

"Dustin and I needed to research tadpoles which we later found out was a baby Demogorgon" you remind her.

"So you couldn't just check them out, you know like a normal person" she laughs.

"Well you can thank my brother for not returning his books" you grunt with a dramatic hand gesture.

You sit opposite eachother going through article after article looking for anything. Its repeats of what you already knew 'Victor Creel kills family, is deemed insane and sent off to Pennhurst Mental Hospital'

"Anything good yet?" You call and only get an exasperated sigh in response. Then an idea leaps into your mind. Theres this paper that writes about crazy shit like UFOs and Bigfoot.

You grab a copy and show Nancy "seriously? Don't they just write about nonsense conspiracies?"

You give her a look to say 'isn't that exactly what we're doing' and she rolls her eyes. After going through it you're met with page after page about exactly what Nancy had suspected- nonsense. One page however features a headline that is very intriguing "Victor Creel declares vengeful denon killed his family- the murderer that shocked a small community"

Nancy comes rushing to peer over your shoulder as you read "oh my god" she whispers as you continue.

"Victor believed his home to be haunted by an ancient demon and allegedly had a priest attempt to exorcise it"

"Keep going" your girlfriend demands.

"Okay so...Victor claimed the exorcism failed which angered the demon, it then killed his family removing their eyes sparing him as a punishment" your stomach aches with both sorrow and fear upon reading.

"That's pretty convenient for Victor" Nancy mocks letting the skeptical journalist side of herself show.

"No think about it, is it really convenient to have your beloved family killed and then be blamed for it and sentenced to life in an asylum"

"So you're saying this was Vecna?"

"They were killed in the exact same way, all evidence lines up" you nod.


Outside in the car you contact Dustin via walkie "so that shot in the dark was a bullseye" you go straight into the report ignoring the usual 'do you copy' question. "Vecnas victims date all the way back to the 50s"

"Okay thats uh totally bonkers but I can't really talk right now"

"Why?" You scoff, what could be so important?

"We're breaking and entering into school to retrieve some extremely confidential files" he informs.

"We left you for two hours!" You groan.

"Just get your ass over here!" He hisses. So cranky.

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