The bath

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"Why is my son in here?" You look up and see Mrs Byers storming into the room. Hopper was trailing behind.

Officer Callahan (the one you had previously elbowed) responds "because your boy here was in a fight"

You grit your teeth when Hopper looks down to you "and her?"

Nancy grabs your arm reassuringly as Callahan replies "she assaulted an officer"

"Let them go" Mrs Byers hisses looking dishevelled.

You were glad that you had managed to avoid having to call your mom and tell her you'd been arrested.

Callahan shakes his head "I'm afraid I cant do that, or at least not the girl"

Hopper juts in "release em" his voice was gruff and you had no idea why he'd just let you go without even taking to you.

It was too good to be true.

"Chief, theres something you should take a look at" another officer interupts. Uh oh.

A big box of ammo and hunting gear is slammed on the desk infont of us. Jonathan grits his teeth "why the hell are you going through my car?"

"Is that really the question you should be asking?" Hopper sounded extremely stern. "I wanna see you in my office"

You were glad it had been Johnathans car and not yours. "You won't believe me" he states.

"Try me"


All cramped up in Hops office he examines a photo Johnathan gives him. "You say blood draws this thing?"

"Its just a theory" Nancy says looking as worried as you felt. You lean against her trying to provide some comfort.

Looking distraught, Joyce took Johnathan outside the office to talk and through the door you could hear faint arguing. Nancy sighed and reached towards your legs which were pressed against hers sitting side by side. She absently traced shapes along your jeans as you both waited in silence. That's when you heard a different argument coming from the main entrance.

Hopper burst out the door telling you both to wait. Begrudgingly you parted from Nancy and pressed you ear up against the door "what are you doing?" She asks.

"Eavesdropping" you reply focusing hard on the conversation outside. You managed to pick up certain words but it was hard through the heavy wooden door. You heard something about a little girl and a fight. You were about to pull away until you heard a boys voice.

"She had no hair and was bleeding from her nose" shit. Eleven. Surprisingly Hopper seemed interested in this too which got your heart racing wondering what he knew.

The boys voice became quieter and harder to hear but the parts you caught were all too familiar "she can... do things" you knew what he meant instantly.

"Whats going on out there?" Nancy questions still in her spot on the floor.

"Uh some kid got into a fight" you tell her, unsure of how much to reveal. Maybe you should tell Hopper, was the thought you kept repeating in you head.

"She always hangs out with those losers" the boys snarky comment shook your haze away. Is he referring to my brother? Your blood heated with anger you had already felt today. If some bratty kid was bullying Dustin and the gang you were going to do something. It didn't matter how old this kid was nobody gets away with bullying Dustin.

You pulled back from the door after hearing enough. "I think our brothers are involved" you confess to Nancy. Her eyebrows knit together and she looks at you with big beautiful doe eyes.

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