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The pressure is released from your stomach as Nancy appears, ore in hand, she swings at the creatures and frees you from their attacks as Robin tries to untangle the one around your neck. You can here Eddie's screams as he swats at oncoming bats.

One of the monsters launches itself onto Nancy and Robin tries to help her getting distracted from freeing you. With a surge of energy at seeing your friends in danger you twist onto your stomach, still being choked you grab the tail at the base and haul the creature towards you. As the opposing force becomes too much for the small animal it loosens the grip on your throat and you can finally breathe. As air fills your body you find a renewed sense of strength.

With a grunt you throw the bat to the floor over your shoulder. Fuzzy socks now covered in sludge you place a foot over the beast and use the force to rip in in half. "Jesus H Christ!" Eddie hisses and throws his paddle down.

"Are you okay?" Nancy dashes over panicked.

"They gave me free liposuction but you know I'm alright"

"Do you think these bats have rabies?" Robin asks sounding genuinely scared.

"What?" You mutter not in the mood for stupid questions.

"Rabies are like my number one fear" she pants "we should get you to a doctor soon, once the symptoms set in your already dead"

You and Nancy stare blankly at her before more bats can be heard screeching in the distance. Looking to the exit portal you find three of them already guarding it.

"There's not that many we can get through-" your words are cut off by another large swarm approaching. "Nevermind lets run. Now"


Taking cover at the upsidedown version of skull rock you and the others sit panting from the run. You still feel dizzy from the restriction of oxygen to your brain and nearly fall face first. "Jesus Y/N" Nancy gasps steadying you.

"I'm fine just-"

"No you're bleeding" she interupts.

Sitting against the rock with her infront of you, she surveys your wounds. Two deep gauges of either side of your abdomen. Your back is scratched and cut but nothing life threatening. Tearing off some cloth from her shirt Nancy wraps you up. The contract of fabric on your torn flesh makes you curse in pain. "Too tight?" She asks worried.

"No that's fine" you groan while holding your face.

Robin peeps over and starts back up with her rabies facts "good news is rabies doesn't cause light headedness"

"Robin" you huff.


"Stop it"


"So uh... this place is like Hawkins with monsters and nasty shit?" Eddie calls from the trunk he'd climbed.

"Pretty much" Nancy confirms.

"Watch out for the vines" Robin yells when he goes to scramble down.

"It's all a hive mind" Nancy adds.

"Hive mind?" God it is so annoying having to repeat this to every new person.

"If you step on a vine your stepping on the bats and Vecna" you grumble.

"So shouldn't we go to the police station then? Get guns and grenades and shit" Robin rushes her words out.

"I don't think Hawkins PD has grenades but guns yeah" you nod.

"We don't have to go all the way downtown for guns, I have guns in my bedroom" Nancy interjects.

"So do I" you say. "But Nancy's house is closer"

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