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Its a dark october night and you're watching TV downstairs with your mom and Mews. Dustin barrels down the stairs and shoves you out of the way digging under the cushions. "What the hell are you doing?" You ask smacking his arm away.

"Looking for change" he says continuing his search.

Your mom is next on his shove list as he begs her to move "Dusty be careful of Mews" she whines.

"Can I please look under your seat?" he pleads, she complies and moves.

"Dustin this is pathetic" you groan as he interupts your movie night. That's when he finds what he's looking for.

"Love you both" he says dashing up the stairs. You decide to take pity on him and give him some real money.

You go to your own room and find your stash of coins, you knock on Dustins door and hear him talking to Lucas on his walkie. When he ends the conversation he lets you in "yes?" He looks up at you uninterested.

"Well with that attitude nevermind" you scoff about to turn away. He notices something in your hand and revokes his attitude.

"No no I'm sorry what is it?" with a huff you open your palm revealing a fistful of quarters. His eyes light up and he reaches out for them but, being considerably taller then him, you raise your arm out of reach. "Manners?" You tease.

"Thank you" he beams and you hand them over, he is about to go back to his walkie when he seems to remember something and pulls you into a hug "do you wanna come with me?"

"Where?" You ask not sure where he was even going with this money.

"The arcade duh" you make an 'oh' with your lips in recognition.

"Yeah actually as long as you don't make fun of me if I'm bad at the games" you joke.

He goes back to the radio to call for Mike and Will, you dash into your room finding something to wear. Rummaging through your closet you pull out a leather jacket and toss it on over your T-shirt. You pick out some boots and quickly apply a layer of mascara. As you get ready to leave your eyes scan over your jewelry and you see the necklace Nancy had given you on Christmas. Probably too flashy fir the arcade. You thought and left your room.

Since last year you'd become pretty aquatinted with riding your bike. You even saved up your Christmas money to buy a new one. This one was sleek and classy and actually the right size. It felt good to not have to cramp your knees up high or hunch down to the handles anymore. You rode to the arcade with the boys, except Will who was getting dropped off by his mom.

You all met up outside and made your way in following the boys to their favourite games. Dustin went straight for a game named 'dragons lair' and the gang crowded around him cheering him on as he played. You cringed at the strangely sexual voice lines from the princess. Isnt this supposed to be a kids game? Dustin slammed the machine in anger as he lost "I hate this overpriced bullshit!"

Lucas mocked him "better luck next time, until then princess Daphne is mine" you rolled your eyes boys.

"Whatever I'm still top on centipede and digdug" Dustin boasted. A voice sounded from behind over your shoulder.

"You sure about that?" Everyone turned around and you noticed an older guy around your age, greasy and spindly looking.

The boys dashed over to the other games and Dustin cursed as he saw someone had overtaken his high score "No!" He turns and faces the teen boy "who's madmax?!"

He shrugs holding a bag of chips "Better then you"

"Is it you?"

He huffs "you know I despise digdug"

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