King Steve

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That night on the drive home Johnathan dropped you off first. You don't want to leave Nancy alone but you're also worried about Dustin so Jonathan promises to take care of her. You obviously ask her what she wants and she agrees with Jonathan. Before you get out the car she hugs you and whispers her parting words "goodnight Y/N"

You trail up to your room a physical and mental wreck. Legs sore from walking and running, mind spinning from stress. You take a shower and change into something for sleep before knocking on Dustin's room door.

He opens it yawning "sorry little man did I wake you up?"

He shakes his head "no but I was about to fall asleep" you ruffle his curls and apologize again.

"I just wanted to check on you, see if you made any um... Progress with the gate?"

Its strange how you were at first intimately involved in the original plan but since that stupid party night all your priorities got mixed up and now you have multiple plans to follow up on and two groups to protect. In a way you liked it though, something about the adrenaline and adventure was addicting.

Dustin invites you to sit on his bed as he tells you all about the way his conpass went haywire and how that meant there was a strong magnetic pull nearby which had to be the gate he was looking for.

"We ended up going in a circle and that's when we realized El was messing with our compass" he makes dramatic gestures as he talks "then Lucas and her started arguing so she threw him in the air with her mind!"

As both badass and dangerous as that sounded you honestly were glad you missed out on this one. You'd had enough of being in-between conflict for awhile.

When he finishes his story he asks where you're been all day. "Helping Johnathan" you lie which feels wrong to do to your brother. He frowns clearly unimpressed.

"Finding a way to the upsidedown and getting Will back is going to help him more" God this was hard. You chew your lip slightly thinking about how to spin this.

"I know and I'm sorry I wasn't there but he's upset you know, he doesn't know anything about this so to him hes lost his brother" more lies. Neither of them needed to know eachothers side of things right now. Not until that thing is dead. Telling him would just complicate things and knowing your brother he'd want to get involved and try to help which was not happening.

If harbouring a wanted person wasn't dangerous enough this was like a thousand times worse.

Regardless, talking with Dustin helped ground you after your encounter today. You let him go to bed and found Mews in your room almost like he could sense you needed some extra support. You curl up with him in bed trying to tune out the echo of Nancy's screams in your head.

In the morning you get a call from Nancy, she tells you Johnathan is on his way to pick you up and to get ready for a second round of monster hunting. You begin to pace still on the phone, getting tangled in the cord. "How were you last night?" You butt in. "I was thinking about you- I mean worried about you" thats literally the same thing idiot.

She laughs and you feel it tickle your ear as you hold the phone close. "I wasn't great actually" she admits. "I barley even got any sleep, I was thinking about you too" heat rises in your ears and cheeks "Johnathan kept his promise though don't worry, he slept on the floor and made sure I was okay"

"Good good"

"Also we think we know what draws this thing out" you shake off your flush "blood"

She continues to tell you about her theories until yout hear a car pull up outside. Jonathan.

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