4th of july

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Once Eleven calms down she explains what she saw. Its worse then you thought, Billy tricked her by allowing her into his memories he knows where she is. The mind flayer revealed that its goal in building these horrifying flesh creatures was to hunt down and stop El. She's the only thing standing between the upsidedown and the real world colliding. To top it all off he gave her a lovely P.S that he was going to kill all of you. How nice.

In the distance you hear fireworks, the rest of Hawkins oblivious to the danger. You also hear something more menacing, thundering steps in the distance. Will's connection to the mind flayer tickles at the back of his neck and with one apprehensive look you all rush outside. Heart dropping you see the unmistakable looming figure from Wills drawings last year.

A fight is coming and you need to prepare. Fast. Jonathan finds an axe strewn about on the ground, Nancy runs to a shed filled with gardening tools. Inside is a shotgun, obviously Hoppers. You share a look before nodding unspoken approval. Nancy was a good shot, no a great one even better then you so if there was only one gun she should have it. Scanning the shed for something else you see an old machete, the blade is partly rusted but it would do.

Everyone works together to block off all the windows with random furniture. Standing back to back in a large circle you feel your heart racing. Less then twenty four hours ago you had the biggest fight in your life and yet here you stood prepared for another. The tension is suffocating until broken by a wretched shriek. A long snaky tentacle comes bursting through the wall lunging wildly. Jonathan brings his axe down into it spraying crimson across the walls. It writhes and howls managing to knock him to the ground.

Nancy is second to act pumping shells into the creature. Its almost like a leach or some kind of toothy worm, its face opens with four fangs in each corner. The kids back up into a corner shrieking. As Nancy runs out of bullets it turns its attention to her. You see its long body slither in the air as if is preparing a strike. As soon as its slimy head snaps in her direction you slice your blade down cutting it clean in half. The faceless tentacle retreats only to be replaced by another then another. Eleven is quick to freeze them sprawling her arms out. You hesitate to attack worried you may break her concentration. With a scream she tears their heads off.

Theres no time to celebrate as something bursts through the roof gripping her leg. She is dragged up in the air almost being snatched away. Mike lunges for her stopping her from getting taken followed by Max and then Lucas who cling onto her. Will and you join the fray playing tug of war with the monster over El. "NANCY SHOOT" Jonathan screams as he staggers to get up.

The sound of her reloading makes you bite your tongue. Please don't miss please don't miss. The last thing you need is for a stray bullet to spray Elevens brains into the air. Of course she doesn't miss, firing shots straight into the 'real face' of the entity. Using your free hand you swing at the tendril holding onto Els leg, the old blade cutting surprisingly deep.

With a spine tingling roar the thing lets go. Everyone falls to the floor from the loss of opposing force. Nancy pulls you up and you gasp as the decapitated head you had severed crawls onto Elevens already damaged ankle taking a bloodthirsty bite. Nance fires her last shot at it sending it careering into the air landing with a squelch. Eleven limps to the hole in the roof, using the last of her energy to split the beings gaping mouth apart.

Making a mad dash to both yours and John's cars everyone manages to clamber in.


With the kids helping Eleven walk Nancy and you break in, literally break, through a closed convince store window. "Let me see" you say gesturing them to lay El down.

You pull up her pant leg to see a gushing wound. Max is right beside you "we need to stop the bleeding, then clean, then bandage" you nod helping her apply pressure while everyone else looks at her stunned."I skateboard" she rolls her eyes. Turning to Jonathan and Nancy she adds "we're gonna need water and soap"

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