Connoisseurs of art

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The next morning during breakfast Dustin catches you up on what Eleven said about Will, since she spoke so little it was cryptic and hard to understand but they think she knows where he is.

If he had been missing under any normal circumstances you'd be a lot more fearful since you know the first 24 hours a person goes missing are the most crucial and anything after that probably means the worst has happened. Yet here you were running around with three boys and a telekinetic bald girl. If a little kid can have superpowers you were sure Will was somewhere out there.

Dustin refused your offer to drive him to school which you didn't like but trusted him enough to go on his bicycle. You went to school as normal with a slight hangover followed by a headache but that was the most normal thing you had felt recently so as annoying as it was you welcomed the feeling.

Later that day Nancy waved you over to her table during lunch and you happily sat down. You were glad you had someone to take your mind off of the stuff happening with Will. Tommy H and Carol didn't seem to mind you either since you'd always been sort of the 'popular loner' type. Everyone knew you because you made an effort to acquaint yourself with anyone you could but you weren't really friends with anyone besides Johnathan who prefered to be alone usually anyway.

Carol has her foot up on the table asking about frostbite or something. Ew. "I dont care what it is get it off the table its disgusting we're eating" Steve groaned. First reasonable thing you've ever heard him say.

"Hey Y/N" Nancy perks up and you look at her wide eyes "Did Barb take you home last night?" I wish!

"No. I walked, she refused to leave you" you roll your eyes at the last part.

"She was gone when we left" Tommy said shrugging.

"Probably couldn't stand listening to all that moaning" Carol mocked "Oh oh steve!" Making her idiot boyfriend laugh and join in slamming the table. Steve smirked clearly enjoying it. What a dick Nancy was clearly uncomfortable.

She flicked her big eyes in your direction then looked down ashamedly. There was nothing to be embarrassed about but this isn't how you should treat a girl, you clicked your tongue in annoyance.

"Im sure she's fine she's probably skipping" Steve shrugged it off. You weren't close with Barb but it was obvious she was not the type to skip school, a more reasonable response would be that she got jealous and stayed home to spite Nancy and make her worried. When Nancy looked back up at you, you felt a pull of guilt in your chest, maybe you should have tried harfer to convince Barb to leave with you.

"Yeah probably" you could tell from the look in her eyes she was going along with it because she was upset. You reached over and quickly squeezed her hand pulling back to continue eating.

"Why don't you have a boyfriend Y/N" Carol asked out of the blue. You suck in a breath of musty cafeteria air.

"I have in the past but I don't know boys are annoying and weird" She nodded and poked Tommy.

"Totally agree" Tommy elbowed her and you sigh. Like I said annoying.


At the end of rhe school day you see Johnathan walking through the hallways, dashing up to him you tell him about all the places you've put up posters so far. When you reach his car you see Steve and his posse blocking the way. What the hell?

"Oh hey" Steve moves towards John. "Nicole here was just telling us about your work"

Jonathan stutters "I, I don't know what you're talking about" he tries to shove past but Steve grabs his bag.

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