Welcome Home!

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Its the day of Dustins return form camp. You promised to help the gang surprise him. You let them in and all take your places out of sight. You hear the door click open and Dustin run straight upstairs just as expected. Eleven is ready and follows the plan, she brings Dustin's toys to life making them walk. In conclusion he follows them. Everyone is in a line hiding around the corner waiting for him to reach the planned destination. The toys lead him into a room across the hall and everyone sneaks forward. Lucas taps Dustin on the shoulder holding out a welcome home sign.

Dustin screams and sprays him in the eyes. "Stop!" You yell slapping the hair spray out of his hand.

"You didn't forget about me?" He asks as Lucas screams in agony.

"No but- for fuck sake lets get Lucas eyes cleaned" you herd him downstairs and into the kitchen, Max rinses his eyes and you turn back to Dustin. "Nobody could forget you" you sigh and pull him into a hug.

"Is that a new zit" you hear Lucas ask Max.

"What is wrong with you?" She dunks his head back under the water.

"So uh" you try to hold in a laugh "what have you been up to at camp buddy?"

Dustin urges you back into his room and begins showing off his creations. Then he opens a large bag "I present to you cerebro"

Mike asks "what exactly are we looking at?"

"An unbuilt one of a kind battery powered radio tower" Dustin chirps excitedly. "This baby can carry crystal clear connections over vast distances- I'm taking north pole to south" you smile as he goes on "I can talk to my girlfriend whenever and wherever I choose"

Your smile turns into a gape "girlfriend?" Everyone asks in unison. My baby brother got a girlfriend?

"Wait so her name is Suzie?" Mike inquiries.

"Suzie with a Z!"

"Girls go to science camp?" Will asks in shock.

"Suzie does"

"Is she cute?" You ask trying to picture Dustin and her together.

"Think Stevie Kates only hotter"

Max and Lucas look up at you carrying Dustins equipment "what's going on?"

"We're going to talk to Dustins girlfriend" you tell them.

Lucas leaps up "girlfriend?"


Dustin has everyone trecking up a gigantic hill. The summer heat is making you sweat and by the time you make it to the top the sun in setting behind you. El and Mike bailed on you two hours ago to go makeout. You thought about Nancy and how she was getting on at work with Jonathan. "We're here" Dustin announces.

"And it only took five hours" Max huffs sarcastically.

"I'm thirsty" Lucas takes out a flask and drains the entire thing.

Max scoffs "did you seriously just drink the rest of our water?" Making him spit some back out and offer it to her with a cheesy grin.

You roll your eyes and help get started on building cerebro. By the time its up your exhausted. "Pretty impressive right?" Dustin admires his invention. "Ready to meet my love?"

"K sure" Max huffs clearly not having a great time.

"Yeah" Lucas and Will nod.

"Suzie this is Dustin do you copy over" silence. "Suzie do you copy over" he repeats.

"I'm sure she's there, maybe she's just busy" you say trying to brighten the mood "its around dinner time ... here"

Everyone nods awkwardly while Dustin continues his attempt to make contact. Max and Lucas leave as it gets darker, Will is the last one to go.

"Maybe tomorrow we could play something fun, you know D&D like we used to" he asks looking at his watch.

"Yeah sure" Dustin sighs.

"Welcome home" Will gives a small smile and you're reminded of the gentle and sweet kid he is.

Dustin frowns and looks at you "are you leaving me too?"

Your heart breaks when his voice shakes "no Dusty you know I'll always stick around"

He clears his throat "yeah I can always rely on you"

The radio starts to make noise causing you to jump. Dustin grabs it quickly falling in the process "Suzie is that you?" He questions.

A masculine voice speaks words you don't comprehend. Dustin adjusts something making the voice come through more clearly. His breathing becomes unsteady as he realises what he's hearing.

"Thats.... Russian" you gasp crouching besides him. He looks at you eyes wide.

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