Max mayhem

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"I know you're staring at me" Max huffs as she gathers up her papers.

"Sorry" the boys collectively apologize. You however were the only one minding your own business.

"How you think your eyes in the back of my head is protecting me from Vecna I have no idea" her voice drips with sarcasm.

She hands us letters and Dustin goes to open his "no idiot!" You go to slap him again but he drops the letter and covers his head.

"Those are for later" Max gives you a greatful nod.

"So what is it?" Dustin questions.

"A failsafe for if things don't work out" she mumbles looking suddenly shy.

"Woah Max-" Lucas attempts to comfort her.

Her shyness melts away into fury "No! Don't tell me that it's all going to work out. People have been telling me that my whole life and it's almost never true"

You feel your soul hurt for her. It reminds you of the hopelessness you'd felt in the few months after last years events. You knew how it felt to feel useless and as if nothing good could ever happen in a world full of shit. Nancy had helped you get through it but the feeling still lied deep within you quietly waiting for an excuse to get out.

The boys grow silent feeling ashamed at the way they had handled the situation. "If we go to east Hawkins will the walkie still reach the hospital?" Max asks breaking the tension.

"Of course" Dustin says in a softer tone then he had used earlier.

"Why?" Steve asks before catching on "no, no, no" he huffs.

We all ignore his bitching and grab our bags heading outside. "I can drive you there" you offer before Steve comes chasing you all.

"I'm serious we're not going anywhere" he calls.

"If you think I'm staying in the armpit that is the Wheelers basement on my last day on earth you're out of your mind" Max grumbles at him.

"I'm not driving you-"

"Well Y/N will so you either come with us or tie me down, which is technically kidnapping of a minor and if I live to see another day I will prosecute" She walks over to your car and Steve steps infront of the door "move" she growls.

"Uh no?"

"I know a good lawyer" she taunts making him roll his eyes and move.


Pulling up to where Max directed you to, you sit in the car waiting for her to come back. She's dripping off more letters and Lucas is lost in thought in the backseat. Dustin and Steve chatter in Steve's car parked right beside you.

Max runs back to the cars sliding in besides Lucas "hey you okay?" You quierry.

"Just drive" she insists.

Next stop is the cemetery, Steve following behind. There's a tension in the atmosphere that makes you sweat. Luckily you arrive and Max slips away soon followed by her ex. You stay out of it knowing she wants space.

Lucas comes back moments later and sits on the hood of your car. Another ten minutes or so Steve leaves his seat growing agitated. "Steve just give her some time" Lucas urges.

"I have it's been long enough alright?" He sasses back. You and the other two follow behind him when you hear him shouting.

You all encircle her calling her name as she sits perfectly frozen in time, eyes rolled back leaving only white. "Dustin go see if Robin or Nancy found anything out!" You command frantically.

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