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Mike was the first to snatch her up in a hug crying softly. "I called you evey night for three hundred and -"

"I know" Eleven says sobbing.

"Then why didn't you tell me the you were there?" Mike asks. You stand stunned, gun still out - how was El even alive?

"I wouldn't let her" Hopper told him, everyone turned to stare shocked.

Mike pushes him aggressively "you've been hiding her this whole time!?"

"Hey! Lets talk. Alone" Hoppers tone is scornful as he drags Mike into a different room.

Dustin is second in line to step up to El, she points to his mouth "you have teeth"

"Oh you like these pearls? Grrrr" he makes a purring sound.

Mac is third, "hey Eleven? Im Max, I've heard a lot about you" she extends her hand for a shake.

El looks at her with no expression and pushes past to hug you, you felt bad that she ignored the girl when she made an effort to be polite but gracefully returned the hug. "I missed you" you tell her. You let her go to see Will and feel a tear in your heart stich itself closed.

When everyone has a chance to get themselves together they gather at the table again trying to decide how to close the gate.

"Assuming we can even get in there the place is crawling with those dogs" Hopper huffs planting his palms on the table.

"And if we do- assuming cutting off the brain will kill the army - Wills part of that army" Mike blabbers out his theory.

"Oh my god" Joyce whidpers. "This whole time, we've been given him what it wants" you don't follow so you look to her awaiting the explanation. "He said he likes it cold so... We'll have to burn it out of him"

Hopper gives Jonathan the dorections to his cabin. A place Will had never been and had no way of spying on. You and Nancy anxiously disscuss Will. You want to go with him but you're brother's need protection too. "You should go" you decide. "If each of us has a gun we shouldn't put all of our eggs in one basket so to speak"

"What I'm not just gonna leave you and Mike-"

Steve walks up behind "go, I'll help look after them" he looks between the both of you slowly "I might have been a shitty boyfriend but turns out im a damn good babysitter" awkward.

"Steve-" she said in a hushed tone.

"Its okay Nance, its okay" his voice was shaking and you felt undeniably guilty. Nancy touched your arm lightly and jogged off leaving you alone with her ex.

Before Hopper takes El you run up to her "be safe okay?" You smile and she nods turning to Mike. You back off and retreat inside giving them privacy.

Inside your brother is forcing Harrington into shoving the demo corpse into Joyce's fridge. You pinch the bridge of your nose "No what the fuck"

"This is a groundbreaking scientific discovery!" Dustin scoffs back at you.

Steve sighs "well you're explaining this to Mrs Byers alright?" He thrusts the animal into the refrigerator making you cringe at the sight. Dark limbs flailing around. "Help me out!" He hisses at your brother.

"What am I supposed to do?" He shrugs.

"Get the door man!"

You stand there watching them in utter fasination. Men are so stupid.

Haphazardly you attempt to clean broken glass and paper up off the floor hoping to give Will a nice home to return to. You keep awkwardly avoiding Steve, you had never had to be alone with him especially not after Nancy dunped him. As you swept the floor you could practically feel his eyes burning into you. You had no idea what he was thinking. You didn't even know if he was smart enough to understand that girls could date or if he still thought it was Jonathan stealing his girl.

Miss Perfect | Nancy WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now