Return into Chaos

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A silence stretched out between the three of you over breakfast. Murray was the first to speak "so Y/N" you look up from your drink "how was it?" You give him a side eye.

"How was what?"

"The guest room?" You look at Nancy to see her hiding a smirk.

"Oh yeah it was good"

"I bet"

On your way out Murray gave you a parting gift - voldka. He slams the door shut and you get in the car making the long journey home.

When you arrive back at Hawkins you head straight to the Byers house to tell Johnathan how it went. The mood shifts from triumph to tense when you find the door unlocked and nobody home. There's paper all over the walls and floor.

"What is all of this?" Nancy asks.

"I don't know... Will? Jonathan?" Your calls fall on deaf ears.

"Do you think this might have something to do with Wills episodes?" Nancy asks scanning the drawings Will had scattered.

"Well theres only one way to find out" you usher her back into the car and speed down to the lab. When you pull up outside the gates are closed and you can't get in.

"Shit what now?" Nancy rubs her temples. You get out the car and go over to the little station where a guard would usually be to open the gate. You flick some switches, press a few buttons but nothing works.

"Y/N?" Nancy taps you on the shoulder looking worried "I think theres something in the woods"

You turn to see lights coming from the distance "who's there?" You shout. You'd seen enough horror movies to know yelling who's there' was a terrible idea but you couldn't think of anything better.

The lights got closer and closer until -

"Steve?" Both you and Nancy speak in unison.

"Nancy?" Steve looks puzzled.

"Y/N?" Dustin cones out from behind him.

"DUSTIN?" you yell "what are you doing here?"

"What are you doing?" Dustin deflects.

"Looking for Jonathan and Will" Nancy answers for you.

"They're not in there are they?" Dustin asks looking concerned, you tense up.


Answering your question comes a distant roaring sound causing everyone to look in the direction it came. The lab.

"No no no where's Mike?" Nancy asks frantically realising he wasn't in the group.

"Probably with Will..." Dustin shudders.

You all rush back to the gate trying to get it open. Nothing is working and panic sets in. Just as you're about to give up and try to find another way the power starts back up and the gate opens.

"Quickly!' you hustle Nancy into the car "you guys wait here we won't all fit" you hit the breaks so hard the tires squeal on the tarmac outside the lab entrance.

You see Joyce, Mike, Hopper, Johnathan and Will all hobbling outside "Get in!" You shout. Hopper gets into his own car with Joyce while you take the Byers brothers and Mike.

There are grotesque dog sized creatures banging on the glass doors all growling and trying to get out. You all peel off to the exit screaming to Dustin and the others to get in. Everyone piles on top of one another in a desperate flee.

Back at Will's house he's out cold on the couth with Joyce and Jonathan crouching over him. You hear Hopper screaming into the phone while you surround the table with Nancy and the kids. Nancy has her arm around you while you reconvene with Dustin.

"What the fuck happened?" You ask him. Last time you saw him he was off to school to teach his friends about Dart- wait no. You've gotta be fucking kidding me. "You're not telling me Dart turned out to be one of those things are you-"

"I didn't know!" He yells throwing up his hands. "And it's not like I had anyone to go to become oh! My sister ran off somewhere and didn't tell me!"

You wince and feel Nancy's arm tighten around you. "I'm sorry Dusty" you reach out a hand towards him.

He pulls his arms away from you "I had to ask Steve for help! Steve!" He huffs. You look over Dustin's shoulder and see Steve sulking in a corner. "I took Dart to school as planned and Max let him escape" he turns towards a ginger girl. The girl you'd seen getting out of the new kids car. So that's madmax.

"Yeah and then you hid him from us!" Max scoffed.

Dustins anger melted away in an instant as his gaze dropped to the floor. "Y/N I have to tell you something"

"What" you grimace what could be any worse-

"Dart ate Mews" oh.

"What?" Your mouth hangs open "He ATE MY CAT?" You thought about the last time you had cuddled with him at night, how he always made you feel safe and warm.

Nancy put her head in the crook of your neck trying to console you. You blink away tears pulling yourself together. Mourn your cat later there's bigger shit to worry about right now.

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