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In the car back to Eddie's hideout, you let Nancy drive since she'd gotten her license recently. She leads the way with you and Robin sitting in the back. Steve's car has the kids in it. "Not to be a wimp but can I stay in the car for this?" Robin pleads.

"No!" Nancy barks sounding more tense then usual.

"I just can't stand to see his sad little doll eyes again" she mumbles making you snicker.

As you near the lake house you notice a swarm of people accompanied by the police. Oh no did they find him?

The conversation from the mob can be heard when you leave the vehicle. "We're investigating another homoside" the chief claims. He continues to list off the victims name, age and the injuries he sustained. Eddie's name is also released publicly which dampens the mood even further.

"Dustin?" A voice rings out through your brothers radio.

"Eddie, are you okay?" He whispers back.

"Nah man" he responds with a shaking voice.

"Where are you?"

"Near skull rock do you know it?" He pants.

"Yeah we're coming"


"I'm telling you, you're talking us the wrong way" Steve complains to Dustin who's following his compass.

"They're just so cute!" Robin laughs at the boys bickering.

"I kmow right?" You indulge her.

Nancy is dragging her feet beside you staying out of the conversation all together. You nudge her to try and get her to join in the conversation but she shrugs you off. Did I do something?

From ahead Steve's triumphant bellowing catches everyones attention "look there she is! In your fave Henderson!"

"It doesn't make sense" Dustin grunts while staring at the compass.

Steve rolls his eyes "come on just admit you were wrong you little butthead"

A lanky long haired figure drops down from the top of the rock "I concur you are indeed a butthead"

"Jesus Eddie" you gasp, his sudden entrance had you spooked.

Ed and Dustin share a curt hug while Steve watches looking considerably jealous.


Eddie recounts what had happened and Nancy throws him a question "what time was this?"

"Oh I know the exact time, my walkie wasn't the only thing that got soaked" he tosses his broken watch that had frozen on the time he'd paddled away to 'saftey'

9:27 "the exact time our torches went all crazy last night" you announce.

Dustin is pacing back and forth behind the group and Eddie gives a confused and worried look. "Henderson" he calls for you "the other Henderson isn't cursed is he?"

"No just mental" you chuckle and then jump when your brother yells extremely loudly.

"BOOM" he shouts.

Everyone turns and looks at him likes he's crazy. "What the-" Robin gets cut off my Dustin talking once more.

"I was right! Skull rock was north!"

"Seriously?" Steve groans.

"This compass worked correctly before but it started to slip the futher east we went, now its way off- when I was leading us here I wasn't wrong!"

Miss Perfect | Nancy WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now