A real date

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Some days go by, you spend them with Nancy of course and you feel like life is a dream. You finally feel like you are your true self.

Dustin had asked if Nancy was your girlfriend one random winter night to which you replied "actually I don't know, I haven't officially asked her" your brother hadn't spoken about the relationship between you and Nance until now and you had no clue he even knew about it. You weren't hiding it or anything, you openly displayed your affection for her but Dustin never really paid attention to your love life. He never did when you hat dated guys in the past but this time he seemed genuinely invested.

"Amateur" he teases. "Nancy is great and I've seen how happy you are around her" you smile at the thought of your little brother shipping you. "You gotta ask her"

You decide to tease him back "oh really? What happened to pretending like you don't care?"

He looks down and shuffles his feet "that method... proved ineffective"


He was right though, you didn't wanna keep things casual you wanted her. Officially. So you take up on Dustin's advice and go to your room and call Nancy. "Nancy-" you call sweetly.

"Y/N-" she mimics and you can almost see her smile as shes speaking.

"Are you free tonight?" You ask. It was the night before Christmas eve and you thought it could be the perfect atmosphere.

"Yeah why wanna watch a movie or something?" She asks hopefully.



"I wanna take you on a date, a real date not just hanging out at our houses"

"I'd love that"

You smile so wide it aches your cheeks "great! How about I take you to a nice restaurant and after that we go watch the stars"

"Sounds amazing pick me up at 10" she hangs up and you know shes getting dressed up.

You don't feel in a dress mood tonight so you decide to go with something a little more androgynous. You start with your base- some cute lacy lingerie moving into your shirt. You pick out a freshly ironed white shirt and pair it with black bootcut jeans. Over the top you wear a designer varsity jacket and high top reeboks, giving the outfit a spark of life.

 Over the top you wear a designer varsity jacket and high top reeboks, giving the outfit a spark of life

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A glance at the clock '9:15' you have plenty of time for makeup. You decide to match the dark color scheme going on and do a smoky eye. You put on a nude lipstick which (lets face it) will probably get completely ruined later.

When you finish you look at the clock again '9:40' time to go pick up Nancy. You dash to get the car keys and run into Dustin who smirks at you.

"Wow someone's looking good" he winks "I wonder what brilliant young mind gave you inspiration"

You roll your eyes and tussle his hair "bye stupid". In the car you feel ecstatic and play some mood boosting tunes.

Rolling up to Nancy's place you strut up to the front door feeling good. Mrs Wheeler answers the door "Y/N, good evening"

You smile at her "Evening Mrs Wheeler. Im here for Nancy" you didn't use the word 'date' cautious of how much she might not know.

Again you didn't hide your feelings for Nancy and she didn't hide hers but neither of you 'came ou' to anyone. You were leaving it up to Nancy to decide how much she wanted her family to know- she's always been private regarding her love life. You remember even with Steve she wouldn't talk about him with her mom.

"Have fun on your date tonight" Mrs Wheelers statement shocked you a small bit, you just nodded politely. Maybe straight girls call their hangouts dates sometimes? You wouldn't know you were only friends with Jonathan and the kids. And now Steve weirdly enough.

Nancy pops up next to her mother "Hi!" She beams and wraps you in a hug. She looks stunning. She has on a floral print sundress despite it being winter. Her legs are covered at least by some thick tights and she has ballet flats with roses on them.

"Hi flower" you give her the joke nickname after observing her outfit. She kisses you on the cheek, her mom still watching and smiling wide.

"You two look beautiful" she comments. You and Nancy thank her and you take her to your car, opening her door for her. You want to make her feel like a princess tonight.

"You told your mom about us?" You ask smirking.

She blushes "yes, and Mike knows I think Dustin told him"

"And what does he think?"

"Well I think he likes you more then me so he seemed pretty excited about it" she jokes. "My dad doesn't know but hes never been fully involved with me"

You nod feeling jubilant that you're special enough that she told her mom.


You have a quiet booth in the restaurant in a secluded corner. The lighting here is dark and moody making you feel extra romantic. You're both sharing a fancy dish you can't pronounce and talking. The subject of cats comes up and Nancy squeezes your thigh under the table "sorry nevermind" she said.

"No its okay, Dustin and me had a funeral for him" you sigh. You actually already got a new kitten in honour of him. A girl this time. Nancy however did not know this because this was actually going to be her Christmas gift. Not wanting to spoil the surprise you quickly change the subject "anyway im stuffed do you wanna get out of here?"

She nods and you get the bill, Nancy offers to split it and you refuse "my idea, my treat" you say.

You take her back to your car and drive out to the woods. With blankets and a flashlight from the trunk you lead the way to a small clearing. You make a little nest for you both to cuddle on. "This is beautiful" Nancy gasps as she observes the sky. "How did you find this place?"

You had been out here a few days ago with Dustin, trying to 'birdwatch' with him for his science project to impress Mr Clark. "Got dragged out here by my brother" she snickers.

"Well I'm glad because its really pretty here"

"Just like you" you arch a brow giving your best cheesy compliment.

"You're stupid" she whines.

"you love it" you roll your eyes and tickle her.

"Hey stop" she giggles pushing your hands away.

"Nance" you stop and look at her becoming serious.

You're laying side by side, her side profile is perfect as you turn to her "hm?" She hums and turns to face you, her nose almost touching yours.

Heart racing you ask the question "will you be my girlfriend?"

She grins wide "am I not already?"

"Well I wanted to properly ask you, how you deserve"

"Well..." She sighs tracing a finger over your lip "only if you'll be mine"

You chuckle and pull her hand away from your mouth, closing the distance with a kiss "duh" when you pull back she looks at you with her large irresistible eyes.

"Well then its official"

You take her hands in yours and raise them above her head getting on top of her. You kiss under the moonlight. Body and mind feeling whole.

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