You're my hope

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The woods of Hawkins looked dead and grey. Nancy and you had travelled out to Hoppers cabin again to continue working on its restoration. The once lively grassy landscape filled with blooming flowers now looked decayed and dull. Eleven looked out at the perimeters of the treeline, grief etched into her face. Grief for her home, the innocence of mother nature that had once made Hawkins beautiful.

Each nail you hammered into a plank felt like it was sticking your heart like a human pin cushion. The gates hadn't stayed active since Max had come 'back to life' but the damage was still spreading. All purity was slowly getting sucked dry out of the earth itself like a sickness.

When a quiet moment alone becomes available you pull Nancy aside. "Our home" you mutter looking out at the ashy landscape. "What's happening?"

"I don't know, we stopped Vecna, Max is alive, we did everything we were supposed to do" she whispers back in a frustrated tone. That feeling...the hollow futility you had been fighting off was clawing its way back out. You weren't going to give up. Not after everything.

"I have a feeling this isn't going to end well" you remark with a sunken expression. Nancy's hands find yours as she gazes into your eyes. "But" you add taking a breath to reassure yourself "we have managed to protect Hawkins again and again, we can find out a way to heal it"

Nancy smiles, a twinkle dances in her blue pools as she scans your features "you've always given me hope, from day one you made me braver"

You smile but roll your eyes playfully "don't get all corny on me"

"Hey!" She tuts and drops your hands to lightly smack your shoulder "last heartfelt thing I ever say to you!"

"I'm joking" you banter. Leaning forward you place your chin on her head and hold her against you "you're incredibly brave all on your own, don't give me credit"

"Just a little bit" she murmurs into your shirt.

"Okay" you smirk "maybe just a little bit" you pull back you kiss her nose making her chuckle "wanna know a secret?"

"Oh yes" she pouts mockingly.

"You're my hope too"

"Now who's corny?" She beams, leaning up to kiss you back in the same way you had done.

"Shut up" you giggle and swat her away. Turning the conversation serious you stop "do you you think they're going to find out?"

"Who?" She asks softly tilting her head.

"The whole town"

"About the upsidedown?" She quizzes.

"Yeah. We've kept it a secret for so long but now I feel that something is going to change- no everything is changing"

She sighs wistfully and turns to look out at the dying land "all we can do is wait and see what happens"

Though the tone is sad, the simple implication of 'we' runs through your head. We. Together. Us. Me and Nancy. Warmth spreads across your chest in spite of the atmosphere, she was going to be along side you no matter what.

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