He was a hero

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Not long after the ordeal you find yourself back at Hawkins High. This time it's not for school but to donate supplies for those in need after the 'earthquake'

When you set the boxes down Dustin wanders off, you follow him wanting to keep an eye out. He'd been devistated ever since...that.

His eyes fall to Mr Munson, Eddies uncle. He's putting up missing posters for his nephew which causes an ache deep in your heart. "Mr Munson" Dustin calls out limping forward. An added sting of pain hits you everytime you see his injured walk.

"Can't imagine we'd have much to talk about, my nephew is innocent and missing, I'll put up as many posters as I need till he's found"

You step closer "Wayne" your familiar voice makes him turn on his heel.

"You? You're one of the girls who tried to help me clear my boys name aren't you?" He questions recalling the time you'd interviewed him with Nancy.

You nod "yes this is my brother- the one I told you about"

"I was with him when the earthquake hit" Dustin adds and you reach for his hand for support.

"And where's Eddie now?" His voice changes as if he already knows the answer.

Dustin's face creases into a heartbroken look. He pulls out a necklace that belonged to Eddie "I'm so sorry"

Wayne's eyes water as he takes it, the three of you slump down on a bench. "I wish everyone would have gotten to know him" Dustin begins "they would have loved him."

"He could have run. He could have saved himself" you join in "but he fought and died to protect this town"

"He isn't just innocent Mr Munson he's a hero" as the words trace through the atmosphere Eddie's uncle sobs.

You feel some tears prick your eyes and throw your head back to capture them. With a kiss to Dustin's temple you tell him to stay safe and make an exit. You'd arranged to meet Nancy and help Eleven rebuild Hop's cabin.

Seeing Nancy makes your heart light up, lifting the weight of the tragedies you'd witnessed from your shoulders. "Nance" you breathe and cup her face lovingly.

She leans her head up and kisses you deeply. The moment is sweet and tender. You both seek comfort from eachothers taste, getting lost in time. "Never leave me again" she teases.

"Wouldn't dream of it" you smile against her lips.


The day after helping El setup and seeing Hopper again which was crazy, you and Nancy visit Max in hospital. Lucas is already there hunched over her and reading her a book. The scene is devastating, the young boy spoke proud and clear certain that the redhead will heat his words through her comma.

"She'll wake up Lucas" you affirm with a general hand on his back. "Just give her time"

She had to be okay. She's going to be okay. "Yeah, she's a strong girl" Nancy adds with sad yet sure eyes.

You feel her hand in yours, her thumb stroking your skin. If something like this had happened to Nancy you wouldn't know how to carry on. She had grown to be your other half, you did everything together and couldn't even imagine going to sleep alone.

You read Max a few chapters out of Lucas' book, its a challenge not to tear up at the sight of her frozen body. This amazing young girl had been reduced to a zombie and it was horrifying. You just prayed that she would come back somehow- someday.


After the visit with Max you and Nance head back to yours. Dustin has been deeply upset and you both wanted to cheer him up. You'd bought him some rare rendition of an Xmen comic that had been wildly expensive, with Nancy offering to chip in it had helped alot.

"Dusty" you whisper as you tap on his bedroom door.

There's no verbal reply but the door swings open. A solemn looking boy stares back at you and you frown in response. "We got you something" Nancy smiles trying to break the ice.

His eyes regain some life when he spots the glossy cover in her hand. "Seriously? This is insane!" He chirps.

Having brought a smile to his face you feel accomplished "just wanted to help you feel better"

"Eddie would have been so jealous" Dustin announces with a wistful tone. "Thank you both so much" he pulls you in for a group hug and Nancy lets out a surprised gasp causing you to giggle softly.

Once the gift giving is over you head to bed with Nance watching the sun set in the distance. Pastel oranges meet with with bright pinks painting a calming image outside of the window. Everything felt safe and quiet but still- there was a darkness lurking, gnawing away at your insides. Behind the serenity lay something terrible almost waiting for the most unsuspecting moment to leap out and destroy everything once again.

Whatever happens. Whatever comes next you know you will be ready. You know you'll have the most perfect girl by your side to support and guide you. You curl your body around hers beneath the thick cozy blanket and wrap an arm over her waist. Feather light lips trace the back of her neck making her shiver in her sleep. Her smell. Her beautiful smell is all you need to calm any doubts in your mind and float away from consciousness.

Miss Perfect | Nancy WheelerWhere stories live. Discover now