Three months later

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"Welcome to Hawkins, Indiana, a wonderful place to raise your family, to grow up! But then on July fourth everything changed" the news quickly spreads its stories across all channels.

You shut off the TV and roll into a ball on the couch. Three months since that day. You'd become a lot more secluded, spending less time with Nancy or even Dustin. You couldn't bring yourself to go outside and the only thing you did was binge TV or sleep. Unfortunately for you, you had promised to help the Byers pack up for their move. You only agreed because it was the last chance you had to spend time with Johnathan and Will.

Dragging yourself to your feet you begrudgingly made your way to the bathroom for a shower. You didn't put on any makeup or nice clothes, you couldn't even being yourself to blowdry your hair. Instead you threw on a pair of frayed jeans and the first shirt you saw. You get in the car, Dustin is already there waiting, seeing your reflection in the rear view mirror you see deep dark circles under your eyes. Despite how much you'd been sleeping you still felt drained.

"I've been waiting fifteen minutes" Dustin sighs. You don't say anything back as you start the car. "I'm sorry" he adds in a softer tone.

"Don't be" you shrug. You had kept him waiting after all.

"I know it's been hard for you" he states "you won't talk to me and" he pauses choking up "you're my big sister, I want you to tell me when something's wrong"

You heave a big sigh "I know buddy and im sorry I haven't" the gentle vibration of the moving car makes you feel more awake. "Just, I don't know it all feels ... pointless"

"What's pointless?" He asks frowning.

"Fighting so hard just for it to come back ten times harder" you mutter, grip tightening on the wheel.

Dustin seems to catch on "but we beat it everytime, no matter whats thrown at us"

Barley. You shake your head trying to find the energy to put on a brave face "you're right" you give a fake smile that even shocks you. Inside you feel hollow and unmotivated but you aren't going to let Dustin see. You have to be strong for him.


As soon as Dustin steps in the door Max and Lucas are already there singing the same song Dustin did with Suzie. You're not in the mood for this and decide to go find Joyce and ask what she needs help with.

You find her alone, looking into a box with a police uniform. Hoppers things. The realisation dawns on you. You cough to let her know you were there and she turns to look up at you "oh Y/N" she sighs "thank you for coming I know you haven't...been out lately" she says refering to your self isolation.

"Yeah, just wanted to say my goodbyes" you give a sad smile "Will is like a little brother to me"

"He adores you too" she says wiping a tear from her cheek.

"Is there anything I can help with?"

"No it's alright, maybe go talk to Will though I'm sure he'd love that"

You nod and spin on your heel to exit, you see Eleven clutching a teddy bear heading your way. You wink at her playfully sensing her solemn mood. As she approaches Joyce she gives you a weak smile in return.

You were heartbroken to see the group splitting apart. It was part of life sure but under such depressing circumstances...

"Y/N?" Will calls from a room downstairs as you saunter over.

"Hiya Will" you hug him and he laughs softly "how you feeling?"

"Alright" he shrugs when you release him.

"I mean how are you really?" You roll your eyes knowing he was half assing you.

"Okay maybe not so great" he sighs "I'm gonna miss everyone"

"We're gonna miss you" you put a hand on his head and ruffle his hair "how about this?" You propose "I'll drag Dustin out to come visit you for a week before school starts"

He smiles now, eyes lighting up "seriously?"

"If its okay with your mom" you nod.

He hugs you again "you're the best" he chirps sounding happier.


Outside everyone is hugging and saying their goodbyes. You talk with Joyce about that week you promised Will and she beams "you'd drive all that way?"

You nod vigorously "to make them happy" you look towards Will who's wrapped up in Dustins arms.

Joyce smiles at you and squeezes your shoulder "you've always been so sweet"

You turn to Jonathan who's talking with Nancy, you hadn't seen her for weeks. She tried to come over and coax you into a conversation but you'd shut her out. "Hey" you almost whisper.

"Hey" Jonathan steps forward and takes one of your hands in his "you're not gonna forget about me and run off making new friends are you?" He jokes.

"Never" you pout mockingly.

"Ahem" Nancy brushes past you. Awkward.

"Go get her" Jonathan says quietly dropping your hand.

You obey and follow after her but get blocked by El. "Y/N" her low tone makes you stop in your tracks "I" she begins seemingly struggling "I will miss you"

"Hey I'm gonna visit alright" you reassure her and pull her close. She nods looking up at you "you can call and talk go to me or Dustin anytime you like"

After a hug you look back over to Nancy who is talking to Joyce. When she sees you she goes quiet "oh nice of you to join us"

"Can we talk" you plead "alone."

She rolls her eyes but agrees and you take her aside out of earshot. "So" she huffs.

"I'm sorry I've been distant"

"Distant? More like off the grid"

"I- Nancy I'm not doing well" as you admit it your voice cracks and her expression changes to one of worry "I think the pressure of the world almost ending three times has gotten to me" you chuckle emptily.

"I... I'm sorry I didn't know" she breathes "I should have been more patient"

"Maybe but I shouldn't have closed you off either" you rub your arm feeling vulnerable.

She places a hand over yours to stop your anxious gesture "I understand, let me help you"


"By talking about it, don't you feel better even slightly now you've told me?"

"I guess" you shrug.

"Then we can work on this together, I'm not saying it'll be easy but I want to be there for you"

You crack a small smile. For the first time in so long its a genuine one. "Alright" you nod and lean down to press a kiss against her forehead.

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