Christmas kitty

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The day after your date with Nancy and you're feeling more content with life then ever before. You head to Nancy's house to give her the Christmas gift you had. You had thought ahead and already spoken to Mrs Wheeler to check if it would be okay for Nancy to keep the cat at her house.

You had food and litter already, you had been looking after her for the past week since getting her from the pet store. She was vaccinated and ready to go. Once you get to the Wheelers home Nancy's mom distracts her so you can sneak in with the kitty and wait in the living room. You call for her when your ready "Nance!"

She comes in with her mom leading her "eyes closed" her mom instructs her.

"What is all this?" Nancy sounds confused but is still laughing.

"Open em" you say when shes in the room with you. She looks down and gasps loudly.

"Oh my god what?" You pass her the kitten carefully and she cradles it. "Are you kidding me?" She asks on the verge of tears.

"She's all yours" you insist.

"Whats her name? She's beautiful"

"You name her" you say watching her smile as the kitty purrs in her arms.

She looks into it's bright green eyes "ivy" she looks at you a few tears of joy on her cheeks "thank you"

You kiss her tenderly and spend the new couple hours fawning over Ivy together. When it starts to get dark you say your goodbyes and head home. It'll officially be Christmas day in just over four hours. You scan the tree that twinkles with lights and tinsel. Underneath, a couple of gifts, for you and Dustin. This year Dustin had been going on and on about a 'SEGA SG video game console' and so you had bought it for him. Butterflies fluttered in your stomach excited to suprise him and see his reaction on Christmas morning. As for your mom, you and Dustin split the price for some expensive perfume. You hated how it was always harder to get something for adults because they never asked for anything fun.


Christmas morning you sit with Dustin and your mom on the couch opening gifts. Dustin opens his gifts from mom first and he reveals some clothes, caps and sneakers. He also gets a remote control robot toy thats supposed to be based off of some movie he likes. He thanks your mom and begins to open your gift. "This is a big one" he commemts observing the wrapped box. As he pulls at the wrapping paper his face shifts from mildly happy to overjoyed. "Are you fucking kidding me?" He almost squeals, shredding the paper away.

"Language" your mom tuts.

"Thank you thank you thank you" he hugs you grinning. Your heart feels warmed at seeing him excited.

"Y/N its your turn" your mom hands you a bag with some gifts in sit. You start with the smallest one. A palm sized cube wrapped in snowflake wrapping paper.

Tearing it open you see an earing box, inside are two elegant pearl earrings cushioned by velvet. You gasp slightly "these are so pretty"

Your mother looks proud of herself "I picked them out at the jewlery store downtown I'm glad you like them" you lean over and give her a brief hug.

You move on to the next and more medium sized gift. Upon opening it you find a bright set of acylic paints paired with professional brushes all different sizes. This was a gift from your grandparents on your dad's side. You visited them in the holidays because they lived in the state over and you had arranged to spend new years eve with them. You hadn't asked yet but you wondered if Nancy would come with you, they had a lovely home with two guest rooms... not that you'd need the two anyway.

With a smile to yourself you reach for Dustins gift, very obvious from the haphazard wrapping job. Tape coated evey inch and you had to get up to use a knife to make an incision for access. Once you had finally opened it you observed a delicate silk pouch. Reaching in you pull out a sterling silver locket with gorgeous engravings on the front. Gently you look inside the locket and see a picture on either side. On the left is a portrait of you and your dad, taken by your grandparents when you were a preteen. You feel your eyes water a little bit and you scan the picture on the other half of the locket. A slightly blurry picture of Mews from when he was still a kitten. Unable to resist you tear up and hug Dustin. "Fuck you for making me cry on Christmas" you joke and ruffle his hair.

Later that day you laugh and joke with Dustin while watching Christmas movies, dance around the tree and have turkey for dinner. Life is looking up.

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