Motel to Murray

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The night sky was getting breezy and you'd been driving for a few hours. Deciding to stop at a motel you get out the car and walk into the small reception. The lady behind the desk didn't seem to notice your arrival. Nancy looked at you and then tapped the bell for servive. No response.

"We'd like a room please" Nancy announces, without even looking up the woman nods.

"Yeah we got those, you want a single or a double?"

You look at eachother "signle is less expensive" you shrug "but double is probably more comfortable"

"We'll take a double" Nancy says after a pause.

Sitting in bed you lean over to the lights between the beds "Nance?" You ask and she looks up at you.


"On or off" she shrugs looking deep in thought. "What's up?" You cock your head to the side questioning her mood.

"Its justt weird"

"What is?"

"That we only become friends because the world was about to end"

"I don't know." You bite your lip "I think we would have been great friends without any of that happening"

Your response makes her smile bringing her out of her glum expression. She reaches her hand out to you suddenly "you still have yours?"

You smirk "duh" you put your hand out beside hers comparing scars.

She hums "hmm mines bigger"

"Congratulations" you chuckle.

She looks at you for a few tense seconds before sliding her arm back and laying down. "I'm glad you lied for me that night" she mumbles closing her eyes.

"Yeah me too" you whisper turning off the lights and sinking into the covers.


You pull up outside a rundown looking apartment "this is the place?" You sound uncertain.

"Yeah" Nancy sighs also sounding weary.

You get out the car and buzz the door. A mans voice echoes out of the speaker "look at the camera" you look around confused. "Above you to the right" you both turn to see a security camera above the door.

"This feels excessive" you remark.

The door opens up and there stands a dark haired man with a thick beard "Y/N Henderson, Nancy Wheeler" he greets "you two are a long way from home" how does he know our names?

He leads us inside the dingy room and then through another door to a second room. This guy is definitely bat shit. You wondered if he was seriously going to be the one to expose Hawkins lab.

In the second room was a board full of evidence, evidence of Eleven and the upsidedown with all the disappearances and dates. "I followed over two hundred tips most bogus but thats how these things go" the guy announces. "The answer of what happened to your friend its up here somewhere I assume you"

Nancy's eyes scan the board and find the corner of evidence for Barb. "Timeline's wrong"

"You're timelines wrong and the girl with the buzzed hair she's not russian, she's from Hawkins lab"

You add on "her name was Eleven" with a sigh "you might wanna ... sit down for this"


We follow him into what would be a kitchen, he begins grabbing at a bottle and mixing himself some alcohol. "What are you doing?" Nancy asks annoyed.


"With voldka?"

"Its a central nervous system depressant so yes" He moves over to a vinyl and puts on a record.

"Music?" You mock

"Yes it helps me-"

"Think" Nancy finishes his sentence. "How long is this going to take?"

"Is the tape incriminating yes or no its a simple question" you taunt.

He laughs dryly "oh no there is nothing simple about what you've told me" he goes on after sipping his drink "you don't need just me to believe you, you need them!"

"Them?" You raise your eyebrows.

"Them with a capital T, the world at large, they won't believe any of this" he scoffs.

"That's why we made the tape" Nancy retorts. She waves around the recorder "He admits it!"

"Oh Nancy you're being naïve, most people - they're not wired like me and you okay" this guy is mental. "They don't want a peek behind the curtain they value stability and this" he pauses for emphasis "this would open that curtain and then the curtain behind that curtain and so the minute anyone with an ounce of authority calls bullshit eveyone will turn their heads and say SEE!"

You stare blankly at him. "So we did all of this for nothing?"

He raises his glass as well as his voice "I'm saying I'M THINKING" He takes a big gulp of his drink and recoils. You watch him saunter over to the kitchen again. "That's it!"

"What's it?" You groan.

"It's just too strong..." He adds water to his drink and you freeze in place understanding.

"We water it down"

"Precisely" he points at you smiling "we make your story more tolerable" Nancy hums catching on. "Perhaps Barbara was exposed to some dangerous toxins"

"A leak from the lab" Nancy nods. "Something scary but familiar" Murray pours you both a drink.

You toast in honour of Barb.

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