Maybe shes deaf?

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"Wheres your hair do you have cancer!" Of course its your brother to be the one asking the insensitive stuff. However you cant help but bite your tongue to stop a laugh.

You stand behind the boys as they crowd round her. "Are you in some kind of trouble?" Mike asks probably the most sensible question yet. Her stare is blank and unexpressive.

"Is that blood?" Lucas goes to grab her arm but Mike slaps it away.

"Boys! Stop it your freaking her out" you remark. Poor girl probably wants some space not to be observed like a zoo animal.

"She's feeling me out!" Lucas retorts.

"Maybe she's deaf!" Dustin announces his second 'bright idea'. He claps his hands loudly inches away from her face and she flinches. "Not deaf"

"Thats enough alright, she's scared" Mike finally puts a stop to the interrogation.

"And cold" you chime in noticing her shivering in a wet oversized yellow shirt. Mike turns and fetches some clothes.

"Here" he hands them over and she stands up. She lifts her shirt. "WOAH!" Mike leaps forward, you joining, stopping her from going any further. Dustin and Lucas turn around yelling.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god" Dustin freaks.

"Uhm you see over there? Privacy" Mike points to a door. Letting her arms go. You gently keep a hand on hers as she looks to you confused. She stays attached to your hand and you both walk to the bathroom. As Mike tries to push the door closed she clings to your arm. "You don't want it shut?" He asks. Shaking her head the smallest bit her eyes seem watery.

"I'll help her" you say softly. Mike just gives you a look and backs off. Weirdly you'd always wanted a sister, not that you didn't adore Dustin but you just wished you had someone to play dress up with and share makeup tips and gossip with. Yet again the big sister instincts in you were taking charge.

"Can we close the door if im in here with you" you raise your voice to a higher tone slightly trying to sound as soothing as possible. She's probably so frightened and she clearly has been mistreated based on her actions. She nods this time so you smile and gently close the door. You look at the wall respectfully as she changes but you feel a hand on your wrist.

You look down to see her struggle with some jean buttons "help" she says softly. You smile again and quickly do them for her. After leaving the bathroom Dustin pulls you aside while Mike and Lucas build a makeshift blanket tent.

"Plan is for her to sneak out front in the morning and ask Mrs Wheeler for help" Dustin relays Mike's plan. "If we do it now she'll know we snuck out tonight and then we're all in deep shit" he emphasizes. Makes sense you thought.

You wave to the girl who's now talking with Mike and she almost smiles. You and Dustin head upstairs and ride back home. Quietly sneaking in the front door you and Dustin make it to your rooms without waking your mom. You take off your wet clothes and fling them under your bed curling up and passing out immediately.


You wake up that morning with a foggy brain when everything hits you again. What the hell. Why am I smuggling children now? You think to yourself as you get ready. You set out to help find Will and ended up finding a whole different missing child, still, you couldn't help feel bad for her with the state she was in. She could barley talk and looked too skinny for her age. You felt sick thinking about anything that might have happened to her. But if we follow the plan it will all be okay. You tell yourself, Mrs Wheeler will get her help and that will be one problem off our hands.

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